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摘要 本研究旨在瞭解桃園縣高中生國防通識課程之態度,並比較不同背景變項的桃園縣高中生其國防通識課程態度之差異性,本研究所採取的方法為量化研究,研究對象為桃園縣29所公、私立高中職高三學生,採抽樣方式進行調查研究,共發出問卷880份,有效問卷800份,回收率95%。經以SPSS 12.0 for Windows 進行統計分析,包括次數分配、平均數、標準差、獨立樣本t 檢定等,所得結論為: ㄧ、桃園縣高中生國防通識課程之態度為「相當肯定」。 二、桃園縣高中生國防通識課程瞭解情形為「良好」。 三、桃園縣高中生國防通識課程喜好情形為「普通」。 四、桃園縣高中生國防通識課程評價情形為「良好」。 五、桃園縣高中生國防通識課程行為傾向為「普通」。 六、桃園縣高中生國防通識課程整體瞭解及整體喜好方面,男學生較女學生佳,高職生較高中生佳;整體行為傾向方面,男學生較女學生佳。 依據研究發現與結論,對主管教育行政機關,高中職教官作為未來推展全民國防教育工作的參考。 一、對主管教育行政機關之建議 (一)重視國防通識教育,多鼓勵學校開設課程選修 (二)協助軍訓教官轉型全民國防教育師 (三)辦理多元全民國防教育活動 二、對高中職教官之建議 (一)加強學生情意教學 (二)提升女學生學習動機 (三)鼓勵軍訓教官參與規劃全民國防教育課後活動 三、對未來研究之建議 (一)納入全民國防教育研究主題 (二)擴大研究範圍 三)輔以質性研究
Abstract This study was to understand senior high and vocational school students’ attitudes toward the National Defense General Curriculum (NDGC). There are compares throug ways for senior and vocational high school students in Taoyuan and also analyzed the differences among variables of students backgrounds on this issue. .The present study is to quantify the resarch study to survey the Taoyuan senior high and vocational high school students to conduct the sample . Research inTaoyuan for 29 public and private senior (vocational) high school students. . mining survey conducted investigation and study . a total of 880 questionnaires,800 vaild questionnaires were effective recovery rate 95 percent .Followed by SPSS 12.0 Window stastical analysis .including the number of distribution, mean, standard deviation,indenpendent sample t-test one-way ANOVA,and so on , The conclusion of this study are as follows : 1.The Senior High and Vocational Schools students had certain attitudes toward the NDGC. 2.The situation of Realization for the senior high and vocational high schools students’ NDGC is “Good.” 3.The situation of Preference for the senior high and vocational high schools students’ NDGC is “General.” 4.The situation of Evaluation for the senior high and vocational high schools students’ NDGC is “Good.” 5.The situation of Behavior Tendency for the senior high and vocational high schools students’ NDGC is “General.” 6.Male stutent’ performance is better than female for NDGC realization and preference. Vocational high school students’ is better than general senior high school students As for The situation of Behavior Tendency, .Male stutent’ performance is better than female stutent’ This study’s conclusions indicate that some recommendations were offered for the educational authority concerned,and high school military instructors.,and further researchers.



高中生, 國防通識課程, 態度, Seniorl High School Sutdent, National Defense, Attitudes





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