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ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the correlations between the knowledge, attitude, behavior intention and self-efficacy of visual care for an elementary school teachers in Taipei city. A self-designed constructed questionnaire was used as the research tool. An elementary school in Taipei city was purposive sampled for this study. All 91 teachers in this elementary school fulfilled the questionnaires. The main results of this study were as follows: 1.We found a positive correlation between the knowledge of visual care and gender. Additionally, “having children’’ and ”marital status” also showed positive correlation with the attitude of visual care. 2.There was a positive correlation between teachers’ self-efficacy of visual care and visual care behavior. 3.The self-efficacy of visual care can significantly explain the variation of visual care behavior. Teachers with good performance in self-efficacy of visual care will do well in visual care behavior. This study provides suggestions for educational administrations and future research to improve student myopia preventions in elementary schools.
ABSTRACT The purpose of this study was to examine the correlations between the knowledge, attitude, behavior intention and self-efficacy of visual care for an elementary school teachers in Taipei city. A self-designed constructed questionnaire was used as the research tool. An elementary school in Taipei city was purposive sampled for this study. All 91 teachers in this elementary school fulfilled the questionnaires. The main results of this study were as follows: 1.We found a positive correlation between the knowledge of visual care and gender. Additionally, “having children’’ and ”marital status” also showed positive correlation with the attitude of visual care. 2.There was a positive correlation between teachers’ self-efficacy of visual care and visual care behavior. 3.The self-efficacy of visual care can significantly explain the variation of visual care behavior. Teachers with good performance in self-efficacy of visual care will do well in visual care behavior. This study provides suggestions for educational administrations and future research to improve student myopia preventions in elementary schools.
國小教師, 視力保健教學知識, 視力保健教學態度, 視力保健教學行為, 視力保健教學自我效能, elementary school teachers, visual care knowledge, visual care attitude, visual care behavior, visual care self-efficacy