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隨著網絡口碑行銷的興盛,消費者愈趨容易在網路上觀察到他國消費者的消 費傾向,此外製造全球化的蓬勃發展,使來源國作為消費者購買產品之線索的重 要性下降。有鑑於此,本研究以低地位國家消費者會模仿高地位國家消費者的購 買作為誘因,探討是否低地位國家消費者的購買決策與態度會受到高地位國家消 費者之影響。本研究旨在確認參考國效應之存在以及系統合理化理論是否為參考 國效應前因之一,故使用準實驗法進行假說之驗證。本研究的實驗對象為大學生與研究生,並使用大專生容易消費之民生產品咖 啡作為實驗物,試圖釐清參考國效應(country of reference effect, COR effect)與來 源國效應(country of origin effect, COOeffect)對消費者態度之影響。研究方法使 用受試者間實驗設計,操弄來源國效應的具備與否以及參考國效應之地位高低, 共計四種實驗組別,發放實體問卷,透過最終的研究結果給予公司有效之行銷手 法。本研究結果表明,將受試者對國家形象經濟面的真實反映分數加總平均,為 系統合理化理論支持參考國效應的論點立足。實證分析顯示,消費者會因為參考 國家的地位高低,和該國家是否在產製咖啡上享有盛譽,而正向影響後續消費態 度。整體來說,消費者會因為該國地位較高與具備特定產品屬性這兩種因素,而 有較佳的產品評價與品牌態度,進而擁有較強的購買意願。
With the prosperity of eWOM communication, consumers are more likely to observe the consumption tendency of foreign countries on the Internet. In addition, with the mature development of global manufacturing, the importance of COO (country of origin) as a clue in consumer journey has reduced. Base on this phenomenon, this study aims that consumer in low-status countries will imitate the purchases of consumers in high-status countries, thus explore whether consumers in high-status countries will affect the consumption behavior and attitudes of consumers in low-status countries. The purpose of this study is to confirm the existence of COR effect (country of reference effect) and whether the system justification theory is one of the antecedents of COR effect, so the quasi‐experiment is used to test the hypothesis.This study use coffee, a type of consumer goods that most college students can easily purchase, as the experimental substance, trying to clarify the influence of the country of reference effect and country of origin effect on consumer attitudes. The research uses the between-subject method to manipulate COO effect and COR effect, a total of four experimental groups. Give companies effective marketing methods through the results of this research.The results show that the average scores of the subjects' true reflections on the economic aspect of the country's image, prove that system justification theory is the basis of country of reference (COR) effect. Empirical analysis shows that consumers will have a positive impact on subsequent consumption attitudes due to the status of the reference country and whether the country has a good reputation for producing coffee. On the whole, country with high status and desirable specific product attributes will lead consumers to have positive product evaluation and brand attitude, and therefore have a stronger purchase intention.



參考國效應, 系統合理化理論, 產品評價, 品牌態度, 購買意願, Country of reference effect, System justification theory, Product evaluation, Brand attitude, Purchase intention





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