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不同比例及厚度下的鈷鈀合金長在藍寶石基板(Al_2 O_3 (0001))上,觀察樣品氫化效應對磁性的影響。 樣品皆在超高真空系統下(〖10〗^(-8) torr)利用熱蒸鍍原理將鈷及鈀兩金屬對鍍形成合金,鍍完成後用歐傑能譜儀(Auger Spectrum)測量其成分比例、用磁光柯爾效應(MOKE)測量氫氣吸附後的磁光特性改變、原子力顯微鏡(AFM)觀測表面結構對於氫氣吸附所改變的磁性行為,接著在低溫下用超導量子干涉震動磁量儀測量磁的特性。 鈀吸附氫氣後會變成氫化鈀,隨著曝的氫氣量愈來愈多,氫化鈀晶格常數從原本的 3.89 Å (α-phase)上升至 4.02 Å(β-phase)。樣品固定Pd的鍍量且Pd比例為33 %時,曝完氫氣後其磁光特性並沒有明顯變化,隨著鈀金屬比例升高至61 % 時,曝完氫氣後,樣品磁滯曲線的矯頑力、殘磁比及光訊號皆會改變。將鈀的比例提升至 76& 及 86 %時,矯頑力上升10倍;磁滯曲線的飽和磁化量及殘磁的比值(squareness = M_r/M_s )也在曝完40 mbar氫氣2-3秒內從10% 上升至100%。這是因為當鈀的比例變高而磁性金屬鈷的比例下降時,合金的磁矩排列從原本的長程無序狀態下,氫化後變成長程有序排列的稀磁性金屬特性。固定Pd比例(61 %)下改變樣品厚度,發現20奈米厚度的樣品,其吸附氫氣後的磁光效應改變比10奈米來的明顯。除此之外,當氫氣被機械幫浦抽出時,樣品會在2~3秒內從β-phase回到α-phase,且該反應是可以被重複的。 用原子力顯微鏡觀察 Co_14 Pd_86 樣品的表面形貌,其表面上有許多直徑約100奈米的團簇,團簇中間充滿著直徑約20奈米的顆粒,這些顆粒除了可以增加樣品接收氫氣的表面積外,還可以形成不同的截面以增加氫氣吸收的效率。
The hydrogenation effect on the various thickness Co_(1-x) Pd_x/Al_2 O_3 (0001) films investigated the magnetic and reversible properties. The concentration of Co and Pd was determined by Auger electron spectrum. The magnetic properties were measured using Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect (MOKE) and Superconducting Quantum Interference Device Vibrating Sample Magnetometer (SQUID). The morphology was measured using AFM ex-situ. Palladium were transferred into Palladium hydride (PdH_x) and the lattice constant was expanded during hydrogen adsorption and absorption process. The hydrogenation effect were unobvious in Co-rich (Co_67 Pd_33) sample. When the concentration of Pd was increased to 86 %, the magnetic coercivity was enhanced 10 times. Moreover, the squareness of hysteresis loop was also enhanced from 10 % to 100 % after exposed 40 mbar of hydrogen gas within 2-3 sec. This behavior might cause from dilute magnetic material with long-range magnetic ordering. Besides, the efficiency of hydrogenation effect was influenced by different thickness of Co_39 Pd_61 alloy. After removed the hydrogen atoms by mechanical pump, the shape of hysteresis loops returned from β-phase to α-phas during 2-3 sec. This behavior means that the hydrogenation process in palladium is reversible. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) figure shows the Co_0.14 Pd_0.86 alloy’s morphology, which has many 100 nm diameter nano-clusters and mounts of 20 nm nano-dots at nearby clusters can not only enhance the interaction surface but also create the different surface cross section. Both of properties can improve the hydrogenation effect in CoPd alloy.



鈀的氫化效應, 鈷鈀合金, 磁光柯爾效應, palladium hydrogenation effect, CoPd alloy, MOKE





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