
dc.description.abstract摘要 本研究旨在了解台北地區國中社會學習領域教師法律教育專業能力之現況與需求,以提供相關單位規劃或辦理師資培育、在職進修及學校聘任公民教師之參考。本研究採用文獻分析、問卷調查方式進行研究,問卷調查乃抽查台北地區50所公立學校國中社會學習領域教師共233人,正式施測有效樣本共206位。調查研究所得資料以SPSS 10.0 for Windows 電腦統計套裝軟體進行描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、肯德爾和諧係數等統計方法對資料進行分析,研究重要發現如下: 一、國中社會學習領域教師在整體法律教育專業能力自我評量的表現以及實施法律教育的現況均尚佳。 二、國中社會學習領域教師法律教育專業能力的自我評量以及實施法律教育的現況,因畢業科系、教授社會學習領域(公民)課程的年資、教學專長領域、曾在「大學」修習法律課程的數量、曾參加過有關法律課程的在職進修活動次數、對法律的興趣不同而有顯著差異。 三、國民中學社會學習領域教師專業能力與需求 (一)關於教師專業能力 1.過半數的社會學習領域教師覺得教授法律課程是困難的。 2.大多數的國中社會學習領域教師認為大學開設的法律學分,有助於國中法律 教育的實施。 3.大多數的教師認為,教授國中法律教材應修至少8個與法律相關的學分方能勝任。 4.教師們認為教授法律課程,除了基本的法律概念外,最需要具備的是「更多法律知識」。 5.教師們認為比較困難的內容依序為「訴訟法」、「行政法」、「刑法」。 6.國中社會學習領域教師實施法律教學時,熟悉的教學方法依序為,第一「價值澄清法」,第二「議題中心教學法」,第三「道德討論法」。 7.國中社會學習領域教師經常使用的適合法律課程的教學方法依序為,第一「直接講述法」,第二「價值澄清法」,第三「道德討論法」。 8.國中社會學習領域教師無法(經常)使用適合法律課程教學方法的原因依序為,第一「授課時數不足」,第二「班級經營不易」,第三「教學活動示例缺乏」。 9.對所有教授國中法律課程的老師來說,目前教學的困難依序為,第一「授課時數不足」,第二「教師專業不足」,第三「欠缺相關補充教材」。 (二)關於教師專業能力需求 1.幾乎全體的教師肯定實施法律課程的重要性。 2.幾近全部的教師認為有關國中法律課程在職進修是必要的。 3.國中社會學習領域教師認為必需的進修內容依序為,第一「法律專業知識」,第二「法律時事案例分析」,第三「法律(公民)教材的教學方法」。 4.國中社會學習領域教師認為必需進修的法律教學方法依序為,第一「批判思考教學法」,第二「價值澄清法」,第三「議題中心教學法」。 5.多數的社會學習領域教師認為教學研討會對於解決法律教學問題是有幫助的。 6.多數教師肯定現行法律教師手冊的內容對教授法律課程有幫助。 7.國中社會學習領域教師認為現行法律教師手冊應再加強的內容依序為, 第一「教學活動示例」,第二「參考資料」,第三「名辭釋義」。 8.教師認為對於實施法律教學是重要且有幫助的項目依序為,第一「提供與法律教材相關的參考資料」,第二「法律教育網站」,第三「提供輔助教學媒體」。 四、不同背景變項對教師專業能力與需求看法的一致性分析 1.不同背景變項教師對大多數教師專業能力與需求的看法頗為一致。 2.不同背景變項教師對教師專業能力與需求之看法不一致的項目 (1)不同專長領域教師對教授法律課程是否困難的看法不一致 (2)對法律興趣不同之教師對教授法律課程最需要具備項目的看法不一致 針對研究結果,本研究提出以下幾點建議: 一、於國中實施法律課程之必要性應更重視 二、避免配課,正視教師專業 三、資淺教師之法律教育專業能力應持續提昇 四、法律學分應審慎考慮列為必修 五、師資培育修習之法律學分應調整為8學分以上 六、建議師培機構開設中華民國憲法、刑法、民法、訴訟法、行政法五門課程 七、公民科教材教法應加強辯論法、批判思考教學法等方法 八、鼓勵教師在職進修應有妥善辦法 九、研習進修之規劃應符合領域需求 十、教師應積極追求專業成長 十一、教材教法多元化,情意、技能並重 十二、法律相關之教學研討會應發揮解惑功能 十三、授課時數合理化 十四、教師應培養對法律的興趣 十五、教科書之活動設計應更符合需求 十六、教師手冊應再加強教學活動示例、參考資料以及名詞釋義 十七、教學參考資料與教學媒體應多加提供 關鍵詞:社會學習領域、法律教育、專業能力zh_TW
dc.description.abstractAbstract This study seeks to understand the current conditions and needs of social studies teachers in junior high schools in Taipei, in terms of law-related education professional ability, as a reference for related authorities to plan for teacher training and on-job academic advancement. This study uses literature analysis and questionnaires; the questionnaires sample 233 junior high school teachers in social studies fields in 50 public schools of Taipei, which yielded 206 valid samples. The resulting data undergoes statistical methods of descriptive statistics, one-way ANOVA, and Kendall's coefficient of concordance. Important findings of this study are as follows: 1.Junior high school teachers in the social studies fields have good self-evaluations and in law-related instruction in terms of overall law-related education professional ability. There are significant differences due to university majors, number of years of teaching social studies fields courses, teaching expertise, the number of legal courses taken while at university, the number of times of participating in on-job academic advancement of legal courses, and interesting the law. 2.Professional ability and needs of junior high school teachers in social studies fields Most teachers feel it is difficult to teach courses in law, that law credits in a university setting help with instruction, 8 or more law credits should be taken, it is most important to be equipped with “more legal knowledge,” with content ranked in terms of difficulty as “litigation law,” “administrative law,” and “criminal law.” The familiar teaching methods are “value clarification,” “issue-centered instruction,” and “ethical discussion.” Frequently used teaching methods are “direct lectures,” “value clarification,” and “ethical discussion.” Reasons for inability to use the above instructional methods are “insufficient course hours,” “difficulty in class management,” and “insufficient examples in instructional activity.” Teaching difficulties include “insufficient course hours,” “insufficient instructor professionalism,” and “lack of related supplemental materials.” Most teachers concur with the importance of teaching legal courses and believe that it is necessary to have on-job academic advancement training, and that the legal content for this should be “professional knowledge,” “analysis of current event cases,” and “instructional methods.” The necessary instructional methods to be learned in instructional advancement are “critical thinking instruction,” “value clarification,” and “issue-centered instruction.” Teaching colloquia are helpful in solving problems of legal instruction, teacher’s manuals are helpful in instruction. Also, teacher’s manuals should improve on “teaching activity examples,” “reference materials,” and “glossaries.” For legal instruction, it is important and helpful to have “reference materials provided,” “law-related education websites,” and “provide supplemental instructional media.” 3.Consistency analysis on the influence of different background variables on teachers’ views on their professional ability and views Teachers with different background variables have consistent views on professional ability and needs. Except that, teachers who have expertise in different fields feel differently on whether it is difficult to teach legal courses, and teachers with different degrees of interest in the law have different views on which are the most important traits for teaching legal courses. Based on results of this study, suggestions are provided to educational administrative authorities, teacher training institutes, various junior high schools, and teachers, as a reference for training teachers, on-job academic advancement, and for hiring teachers. Keywords: social studies fields, law-related education, professional abilityen_US

