
dc.contributor.authorMei-hua Chuangen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在應用健康信念模式探討基隆市某女子高中學生經痛自我照顧行為的相關因素。以基隆市某女子高中學生為母群體,採集束隨機抽樣方式進行抽樣,並以自編結構式問卷進行資料的蒐集,共得有效樣本603份。本研究結論及建議如下: 一、研究對象自覺經痛威脅性屬中度程度,其中約一半以上的人自覺會罹患經 痛,而自覺經痛嚴重性則屬於「嚴重」程度。整體而言,研究對象中經痛 經驗越多、經痛程度越高、內部線索越多者,其自覺經痛的威脅性就越高。 而研究對象自覺經痛自我照顧行為可能性得分為「正數」,顯示研究對象認 為執行自我照顧行為之「利益」大於「障礙」,但得分偏低;整體而言,研 究對象中月經週期規律、經痛知識越高、經痛程度越低、外部線索越多者, 其自覺經痛自我照顧行為可能性越高。 二、研究對象的經痛自我照顧行為線索不佳,在經痛自我照顧行為線索方面, 外部線索的訊息來源以「親友曾提供經痛自我照顧相關資訊」最多,「曾參 加過經痛自我照顧相關研習課程」最少,而內部線索中曾因經痛至學校健康 中心者只有五分之一,曾因經痛就醫只有十分之一。整體而言研究對象年級 越低、經痛知識越高、經痛經驗越多、經痛程度越高、自覺經痛罹患性越 高、自覺經痛自我照顧行為障礙性越低者,其獲取經痛自我照顧的行動線索 越多。 三、研究對象經痛自我照顧行為的採取較傾向「有時如此」。以基本變項、經 痛自我照顧健康信念、經痛自我照顧行動線索等變項因素一起來預測研究對 象經痛自我照顧行為時,可解釋其總變異量的17.0%。研究對象經痛自我照 顧行為的主要預測變項為:「年級」、「經痛程度」、「月經週期」、「自 覺經痛威脅性(尤其是自覺經痛嚴重性)」、「自覺經痛自我照顧行為可能性 (包括自覺經痛自我照顧有效性、自覺經痛自我照顧障礙性)」、「經痛自我 照顧行動線索(尤其是外部線索)」,且以「自覺經痛自我照顧行為障礙性」 最具影響力。 本研究依結論提出未來進行經痛自我照顧行為衛生教育介入之建議與改善方針,提高研究對象經痛自我照顧行為,以緩解或避免經痛所導致之不適。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study aims to apply the Health Belief Model to the students in a girls’ senior high school in Keelung to investigate the related factors of dysmenorrhea self-care behavior. The self-made questionnaire is used as the research tool. In this survey, among 2310 randomly-chosen girl students asked to fill out the questionnaires, only 603 are valid. The findings are as follows. 1. 50% of the subjects who are aware of middle dysmenorrheal threat think they are stricken with dymenorrhea, and they are at the severe level on the scale of “the severity of perception of dymenorrhea. In general, those subjects with more dysmenorrhea experience, higher dysmenorrhea degree, and more internal cues have higher perceived dysmenorrhea threat. Besides, those subjects who score “positive” on the likelihood of act on dysmenorrhea self-care behavior scale consider that they get more benefits than barriers from dysmenorrhea self-care behavior, but they get low scores as a whole. To sum up, subjects with regular menstrual cycle, higher dysmenorrhea knowledge, lower dysmenorrhea degree and more external cues have higher likelihood of act on perceived dysmenorrheal self-care behavior. 2. The subjects who know little on the cues of action on dysmenorrhea self-care behavior get the external cues mainly from “related information about dysmenorrhea self-care from experienced relatives”, and few of them take “related courses on dysmenorrhea self-care behavior.” As to the internal cues, only 20% of those who suffer dysmenorrhea have been to school health center, and only 10% of them go to a doctor. 3. As the dymenorrhea self-care behavior of the subjects who belong to the catergory of “sometimes” is predicted with the variables, including the subject basic variable, dysmenorrhea self-care health belief, and cues to dysmenorrhea self-care behavior, the score index of dysmenorrhea self-care behavior is 17%.和 The main predictive variables of the dysmenorrhea self-care behavior of the subjects are “grades”, “dymenorrhea degree” and “menstrual cycle”, “perceived dysmenorrhea threat (especially “perceived dysmenorrhea severity”) ”, “the likelihood of act on dysmenorrhea self-care behaviors (including “perceived dysmenorrhea self-care behavior validity” and “perceived dysmenorrhea self-care behavior barriers”) ”, “cues to act on dysmenorrhea self-care behavior (especially the external cues) ”. Among them, the most influential one is “perceived dysmenorrhea self-care behavior barriers.” According to those findings, the research puts forward some suggestions and methods of improving the health education of dysmenorrhea self-care behavior to relieve and avoid the discomfort caused by dysmenorrhea.en_US
dc.subjectHealth Belief Modelen_US
dc.subjectself-care behavioren_US
dc.subjectdysmenorrhea degreeen_US
dc.subjectdysmenorrhea experienceen_US
dc.subjectmenstrual cycleen_US
dc.titleThe Application of Health Belief Model—A study in the related factors of dysmenorrhea self-care behavior in a girls’ senior high school at Keelungen_US

