
dc.contributor.authorLIN, Shuen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在瞭解大學生參與結合社團服務學習經驗及就業力的現況。透過比較不同個人背景變項之就業力差異情形及不同服務學習參與經驗之就業力差異情形,進一步探討不同背景變項、服務學習參與經驗對大學生就業力之預測力。本研究以北區八所公私立大學參與結合社團服務學習之800位大學生為對象進行調查,作成結論並提出建議,以提供大學生、學校相關單位、及教育行政單位作為日後擬定輔導及相關政策之參考。本研究發出正式問卷800份,回收668份,回收率為83.5%,刪除填答不全之問卷,共得有效問卷650份,有效問卷回收率為81.25%。 所得資料以SPSS 19.0中文版進行描述統計、t檢定、單因子變異數分析、多元迴歸等統計方法分析。本研究樣本為「參與結合學生社團服務學習經驗者」,調查結果如下: 一、大學生參與服務學習經驗現況:以參與「社會福利類別」服務機構比例最高,佔70.2%,參與有接觸服務對象的直接性的服務性質者最多,佔74.6%;具擔任服務幹部經驗者佔603%;曾「撰寫反思日誌」者佔67.4%;在參與服務前受過教育訓練者佔88.3%。 二、大學生就業力現況:大學生自認為最具備「人際溝通」、「情緒管理」及「合作」的就業能力。 三、依「整體就業力」及「工作生活能力」、「個人管理能力」、「團隊合作能力」三面向就業力分述在個人背景變項及服務學習參與經驗的差異: (一)整體就業力:個人背景變項中「性別」、「年級」、「志工經驗─服務時間」、「志工經驗─結合通識或專業服務學習模式」對其有顯著差異;服務學習參與經驗中「服務性質」、「服務類型─課業輔導」、「服務類型─校園社團」、「服務類型─為機構募發票」、「擔任服務幹部」、「撰寫反思日誌」及「安排教育訓練」對整體就業力有顯著差異。 (二)「工作生活能力」面向:個人背景變項中「年級」、「志工經驗─服務時間」、「志工經驗─結合通識或專業服務學習模式」對其有顯著差異;服務學習參與經驗中「服務機構─社會福利」、「服務性質」、「服務類型─校園社團」、「擔任幹部」及「安排教育訓練」對「工作生活能力」面向就業力有顯著差異。 (三)「個人管理能力」面向:個人背景變項中「志工經驗─勞作教育」、「志工經驗─結合通識或專業服務學習模式」對其有顯著差異;服務學習參與經驗中「服務性質」、「服務類型─課業輔導」、「服務類型─校園社團」、「服務類型─為機構募發票」、「擔任幹部」、「撰寫反思日誌」及「安排教育訓練」對「個人管理能力」面向就業力有顯著差異。 (四)「團隊合作能力」面向:個人背景變項中「性別」、「年級」、「主修學群」、「志工經驗─服務時間」、「志工經驗─結合通識或專業服務學習模式」及「家庭社經地位」對其有顯著差異;服務學習參與經驗中「服務性質」、「服務類型─舉辦活動」、「服務類型─為機構募發票」、「擔任幹部」及「安排教育訓練」對「團隊合作能力」面向就業力有顯著差異。 四、個人背景變項、服務參與經驗對其就業力的預測情形: (一)共有四項自變項可有效預測「整體就業力」;有五項自變項可有效預測「工作生活能力」面向就業力;有四項自變項能有效預測「個人管理能力」面向就業力;有八項自變項能有效預測「團隊合作能力」面向就業力。 (二)個人背景變項中「志工經驗─結合通識或專業服務學習模式」最能預測就業力「工作生活能力」及「個人管理能力」面向。 (三)服務參與經驗中「擔任服務幹部」經驗最能預測「整體就業力」及就業力「團隊合作能力」面向。 本研究依據研究討論,提出對學生、學校相關單位、教育行政單位、與後續研究之建議,以作為參與服務學習之學生提升就業之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study is aimed to explore the current status of college students in northern Taiwan in their experience of service learning in student clubs and employability. Through the comparisons of employment abilities in different demographic variables and service learning experience, the powers of different background variables and service learning experience in predicting the student’s employability are further investigated. In this study, college students joining service learning in student clubs in eight universities in northern Taiwan area were recruited for survey. The results and suggestions from the survey can serve as references for consultancy and policy making in related schools and educational administration divisions. From a pool of 800 copies of questionnaire survey, 668 copies (83.5%) returned. After the deletion of incomplete questionnaires, 650 copies (81.25%) were effective. The data obtained from the survey were further examined by descriptive statistics, t tests, one way ANOVA, and multiple regression analysis in SPSS 19.0 Chinese version. The following findings had been attained from the survey. 1. Current status of college students’ participation of service learning: most college students took part in the social welfare organizations (70.2%); 74.6% joined service learning that can directly contact the people they help; 60.3% had been students-in-charge in their service learning experience; 67.4% had the experience of writing final report; 88.3% had educational training before their service learning class. 2. Opinions of the employability of students who join the service learning: college students consider that they are equipped with employability in personnel communication, emotional management, and cooperation. 3. Differences of employability dimensions in total employability, work and living ability, and personal management ability, and team work ability in terms of the subjects’ demographic and participation of service learning: (1) Total employability: there exist significant differences of total employability in terms of subject’s gender, grades, volunteer’s experience (time of service learning, service learning combined with general courses or professional service learning mode). In participation of service learning, significant differences were found in properties of service learning activity, including the types of service learning (academic consultancy, campus student club, collecting sales receipts for organizations), being student-in-charge for service learning, writing the final report, and having education training. (2) Work and living ability: subjects’ grades, volunteer’s experience (time of service learning, service learning combined with general courses or professional service learning mode) will cause significant differences in work and living ability. In participation of service learning, service organization, service property, service type, being student-in-charge, and educational training will result in different work and living abilities. (3) Personal management ability: Volunteer’s experience (labor education and service learning combined with general courses or professional service learning mode) will cause significant differences in personal management ability. In participation of service learning, service property, service type (academic consultancy, campus student club, and collecting sales receipts for organizations), being student-in-charge, writing final report, and educational training will result in different personal management abilities. (4) Team work ability: Among demographic variables of subjects, gender, grades, major, volunteer experience (service time, and service learning combined with general courses or professional service learning mode), and family economic status will cause significant differences in team work ability. In participation of service learning, service property, service type (holding activity, and collecting sales receipts for organizations), being student-in-charge, and educational training will cause different team work abilities. 4. Predicting college student’s employability from their demographic variables and participation experience in service learning: (1) Overall, four variables can be used to predict total employability effectively; five can be used to predict work and living ability; four can be used to predict personal management ability; eight variables can be used to predict team work employability. (2) In subject’s demographic variables, the volunteer experience (service learning combined with general courses or professional service learning mode ) is best suitable for the prediction of employability in work and living and personal management dimensions. (3) In participation of service learning, being student-in-charge variable is most suitable for the prediction of total employability and team work ability. According to the results obtained, suggestions were offered in this study for the references of service learning regarding college students, schools, and educational divisions concerned as well as for future work in this domain.en_US
dc.subjectcollege studenten_US
dc.subjectparticipation of service learningen_US
dc.subjectservice learning in student clubsen_US
dc.titleThe Relationships Between College Student’s Participation of Service Learning in Student Clubs and Their Employability—Using College Students in Northern Taiwan As An Exampleen_US


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