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  本研究旨在探討老年喪偶女性的家族網絡類型變化與憂鬱傾向。選取行政院衛生署國民健康局執行之「台灣地區中老年身心社會生活狀況長期追蹤」於1989 年、1993 年、1996 年、1999 年及2003 年面訪之五次追蹤調查資料,篩檢出60 歲以上、至少有一子女、喪偶且未再婚、能自行回答問卷的一般家戶老年喪偶女性共371 位,主要之研究發現如下: 一、老年喪偶女性的家族網絡類型可分為:倚女為主型、親屬熱絡型、倚兒為主型、家族疏離型等四個類型。 二、比較老年喪偶女性喪偶前後的家族網絡類型所佔之比例消長,老年喪偶女性在「倚兒為主型」家族網絡類型的人數比例增加最多;約有四成在喪偶前原隸屬「家族疏離型」之老年喪偶女性,在喪偶後朝其他三種保有親人互動的家族網絡類型之方向轉移。老年喪偶女性家族網絡類型在喪偶前、後以傾向「倚兒為主型」的老年喪偶女性之穩定度最高。 三、老年喪偶女性之兒子數、年齡、教育程度、居住地、經濟狀況等因素,相對能影響其喪偶後家族網絡類型。而老年喪偶女性的女兒數、時代背景、健康狀況和喪偶年數未有顯著預測力。 四、屬於「家族疏離型」或「倚兒為主型」的老年喪偶女性,其喪偶後的憂鬱程度顯著高於「親屬熱絡型」的老年喪偶女性。
  The purpose of the study is to examine the changes of the complex family relationship and depression of the elderly windows in Taiwan. Using multiple dimensions of network in a latent transition analysis, we developed a typology of the family network among the elderly widows. The data come from the 1989, 1992, 1996, 1999,and 2003 wave of the longitudinal Survey of Health and Living Status of the Elderly in Taiwan, and the samples(N=371) aged 60 and above . Findings of the study indicate: 1. Family network among the elderly windows comprises four distinct patterns: daughters-depended family network, relatives-connected family network, son-depended family network, and family-detached family network. 2. The four family networks among the elderly windows are quite stable pre- and post-bereavement. Among the four family networks, son-depended family network is the major and the most stable family network type among the elderly widows. Further, 40% of elderly women used to belong to the family-detached family network will transfer to the other three positive family network types after their husband died. 3. Compared with the son-depended family network or the family-detached family network, the number of sons, age, education, living arrangement (rural area) and the economic situation affect the typology of the family network among the elderly iv widows. However, the number of daughters, the time of being investigated, the health situation and the years of bereavement don’t affect the typology of the family network among the elderly widows. 4. Depressive symptoms were found more among the elderly widows in the family-detached family network or son-depended family network than in the relatives-connected family network. Results suggest that the connection of relatives is one mechanism through which family network types affect mental health.



老年喪偶女性, 家族網絡類型, 潛在類型轉移, 憂鬱, widowhood, family network type, latent transition analysis, depression





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