
dc.contributorChien, Yuen_US
dc.contributorChin-Chen, Yien_US
dc.contributor.authorChieh-Ku, Tsengen_US
dc.description.abstract組織發展目標乃是為獲得組織績效的改善,組織必須對於內部發展需求及外部競爭力進行評估,才能研擬出良好的發展策略。員工是推動組織發展策略的執行者,因此,良好的發展計劃則須考量人力資源發展運用策略,才能達到組織發展目標及落實促進組織績效的提昇。部份中高齡員工具備專業的知識能力與豐富的經驗,企業不應忽視中高齡員工對組織發展上的貢獻度,應將中高齡員工的運用價值考量在內,避免人力成本價值的誤解造成更大的人力成本耗費,進而影響組織發展績效。 因此,本研究主要研究目的是探討組織未來發展需求及中高齡員工對個人的職涯發展規劃下,組織如何因應發展需求對中高齡員工人力資源規劃再運用之策略,以促進組織績效之提昇。本研究乃透過質性研究發展進行,在研究設計上採單一個案設計,透過深度訪談進行資料蒐集,研究過程中共訪談了個案公司二位主管及二位員工,並於訪談後將訪談內容轉錄為逐字稿,進行資料的處理與分析,最後得到以下之結論: (一)本研究在根據個案資料分析,歸納出組織發展是以提升組織績效為目的,為使組織發展能有效落實,須對組織內在優勢及外在機會進行分析評估,獲得明確的六項需求:(1)克服景氣不佳;(2)降低人力成本;(3)善用專業技術的優勢;(4)組織創新與管理;(5)組織重新定位;(6)中高齡員工發展運用。 (二)從個案分析中發現,中高齡員工雖沒有具體的生涯規劃,但受到家庭經濟與時間分配的考量,中高齡員工都願意繼續工作,且在工作環境與人際關係的熟悉下,更會選擇以原公司做為繼續服務的工作環境。 (三)根據組織發展需求分析得知,中高齡人力資源再運用則是能滿足組織發展規劃的最大需求,為能讓組織發展獲得有效成果,對於中高齡員工人力資源再運用則必須有妥善的策略規劃。在個案分析中得到七項策略方法:(1)中高齡人力資源運用;(2)對中高齡員工再聘僱評估;(3)調節人力成本,先退休再聘僱;(4)福利不變、薪酬調整;(5)生產目標達成獎勵;(6)職務安排重新設計;(7)在職教育訓練。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe goal of organizational development is to obtain the performance improvement. Organizations must assess their internal demand and external competitiveness in middle-ageand order to develop a sound development strategy. The staff is the implemental performer of organizational development strategy; therefore, a good development plan should include human resources development strategy to achieve development goals. Most of the middle-age and older staff with professional knowledge and ability to enrich the experience of enterprises should not be negated their contribute to the organization's development. Enterprises should consider the senior staff's value to avoid the larger waste of labor cost, and further more, affect the achievement of organizational development. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to explore how the organization develops the re-use stratagem of aged stuff, in middle-age and order to meet the organizational future development need and the senior staffs' career planning. This inquiry is through the qualitative research, under a single-case design, we interview two supervisors and two employees, and transcript the content into verbatim text. We process and analysis the data then we get the following conclusions: 1、Under to enhance the organizational performance, there are the six explicit demand to assess: (1) overcome the poor economy, (2) reduce labor costs, (3) make the best use of professional and technical advantages, (4) innovation and management of organization, (5) organizations' re-positioning (6) the usage of middle-age and older staff development. 2、In this case study, although the middle-age and older staff do not have specific career plans, subject are willing to continue to work under the consideration of the family economy and the allocation of time. Besides, they would like to work in the previous company due to the familiar environment and interpersonal relationships. 3、The re-use of aged human resources can meet the biggest demand for organization development. In middle-age and order to get the effective results, the re-use of middle-age and older in the human resources must under the proper planning. In this case study, we get seven strategies: (1) the use of human resources in senior citizens, (2) the re-hiring assessment of senior staff, (3) regulating labor cost, to re-hire the retired (4) unchanged welfare, but adjusted payment (5) award to production target achievement (6) re-design of position; (7) in-service education and training.en_US
dc.subjectOrganizational developmenten_US
dc.subjectMiddle-age and olderen_US
dc.subjectCareer planningen_US
dc.subjectStrategy planningen_US
dc.subjectHuman resources usingen_US
dc.titleA Study of Organizational Development and Aged Human Resources Staff in the Middle-age and older to use the Research-Take the Company Synvision for Exampleen_US

