
dc.description.abstract本研究之主要目的在瞭解大學學生社團幹部組織承諾、社團負責人轉型領導行為、社團組織氣氛的現況,及瞭解不同背景變項對於社團幹部組織承諾、及其所知覺的社團負責人轉型領導行為、社團組織氣氛的影響,進一步探討社團負責人轉型領導行為、社團組織氣氛與社團幹部組織承諾三者之間的關係,並透過不同背景變項、社團負責人轉型領導行為、與社團組織氣氛探討對社團幹部組織承諾的預測力。本研究以國立臺灣師範大學九十五學年度之學生社團幹部934名為對象進行研究,以自編之「大學學生社團負責人轉型領導行為、社團組織氣氛、社團幹部組織承諾問卷調查表」為研究工具進行調查。本研究的主要發現如下: 一、國立臺灣師範大學學生社團幹部對社團有中高程度的組織承諾,其中以對社團的組織認同最高。三個向度的排序為組織認同、努力意願、留社傾向。 二、國立臺灣師範大學的社團負責人在轉型領導行為上有中高程度的表現,其中又以對幹部的個別關懷行為表現最好。五個向度的排序為個別關懷、魅力影響、激發鼓舞、建立願景、啟發才智。 三、國立臺灣師範大學的社團組織氣氛普遍良好,且幹部多能從社團中感受到個人自我的滿足與成長。三個向度的排序為個人成長面向、關係面向、系統維持與改變面向。 四、國立臺灣師範大學學生社團幹部的性別、年級、所屬社團屬性、所屬社團幹部人數、擔任幹部年資、擔任幹部職務、不同的幹部訓練經驗、及在接任社團幹部時所感受到不同的人情壓力情形等背景因素均會影響社團幹部對社團的組織承諾。 五、國立臺灣師範大學學生社團幹部的性別、年級、所屬社團屬性、擔任幹部年資、擔任幹部職務、及在接任社團幹部時所感受到不同的人情壓力情形等背景因素均會影響對社團負責人轉型領導行為的知覺。 六、國立臺灣師範大學學生社團幹部的性別、年級、所屬社團屬性、所屬社團幹部人數、擔任幹部年資、擔任幹部職務、不同的幹部訓練經驗、及在接任社團幹部時所感受到不同的人情壓力情形等背景因素均會影響對社團組織氣氛的知覺。 七、國立臺灣師範大學社團負責人轉型領導行為、社團組織氣氛、及社團幹部組織承諾三者間有顯著的正相關,其中社團組織氣氛比社團負責人轉型領導行為的表現更能有效預測社團幹部的組織承諾。 八、接任幹部時的人情壓力是社團幹部個人背景變項中影響社團幹部組織承諾的最重要因素。 九、在社團負責人轉型領導行為各向度中,以「啟發才智」行為最能影響社團幹部對社團的組織承諾。 十、在社團組織氣氛各向度中,以社團幹部所感受到的「個人成長面向」最能影響社團幹部對社團的組織承諾。 十一、檢視本研究所有的預測變項,「個人成長面向」、「關係面向」、及「接任幹部時所感受的人情壓力」是最能影響社團幹部組織承諾的前三項因素。 本研究根據以上發現,提出具體建議,提供給社團輔導單位、及學生社團負責人作為擬定輔導相關政策及領導社團之參考。 關鍵字:大學社團、社團幹部、組織承諾、組織氣氛、轉型領導zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThis study aims to explore and understand the organizational commitment of club officers, the transformational leadership of club presidents, and the organizational climate in student clubs at National Taiwan Normal University. We also discussed the effects of different background variables on these three aspects of interest, as well as the inter-relationship among them. The prediction power of the organizational commitment of club officers is drawn through an analysis based on the background variables, the transformational leadership of club presidents, and organizational climate. In this study, 934 club officers in the academic year 2006 at National Taiwan Normal University were surveyed using our self-developed questionnaire. The major findings are as follows: 1.Club officers have moderate to high organizational commitment. The highest of the three dimensions is organizational identity, followed by effort intention and inclination to stay in the club. 2.Club presidents display moderate to high transformational leadership. The highest of the five dimensions is individual consideration for officers, followed by charisma development, inspirational motivation, vision building, and intellectual stimulation. 3.Most clubs have a good organizational climate; while the majority of club officers feel that they have achieved self-fulfilment and personal growth. The highest of the three dimensions is personal growth dimensions, followed by relationship dimensions, and system maintenance and change dimensions. 4.Many background variables have an impact on the organizational commitment of club officers, including gender, grade year, club attribute, number of officers in the club, seniority as an officer, position as an officer, different officer training experience, and the social pressure when asked to take the position. 5.The sense of transformational leadership of club presidents is affected by background variables, including gender, grade year, club attribute, number of officers in the club, seniority as an officer, position as an officer, different officer training experience, and the social pressure when asked to take the position. 6.The organizational climate is influenced by background variables, including gender, grade year, club attribute, number of officers in the club, seniority as an officer, position as an officer, different officer training experience, and the social pressure when asked to take the position. 7.The three aspects of interest, namely the organizational commitments of club officers, the transformational leadership of club presidents, and the organizational climate, showed significant positive correlation. Among them, organizational climate yields a better prediction for organizational commitment of club officers than the transformational leadership of club presidents. 8.The social pressure when asked to take the position is the most crucial factor in officer’s personal background variables that affects the organizational commitment of club officers. 9.Among the dimensions in the transformational leadership of club presidents, “intellectual stimulation” has the greatest influence on the organizational commitment of club officers. 10.Among the dimensions in organizational climate, “personal growth dimensions” has the greatest influence on the organizational commitment of club officers. 11.By inspecting all the predictor variables in our study, the top three factors with the most influence on the organizational commitment of club officers are “personal growth dimensions,” “relationship dimensions,” and “the social pressure when asked to take the position.” In the end, we provided some concrete suggestions based on the findings above, which can be used as a reference for the student activities office, as well as for club presidents in drafting training plans and executing leadership. Keywords: college student clubs, club officer, organizational commitment, organizational climate, transformational leadershipen_US
dc.subjectcollege student clubsen_US
dc.subjectclub officeren_US
dc.subjectorganizational commitmenten_US
dc.subjectorganizational climateen_US
dc.subjecttransformational leadershipen_US

