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醫務社會工作者需受至少四年以上的養成教育,以成為一名合格的社會工作者。但在工作場域中實行專業,過程中除承接大量負面能量,更是體力、耐力與受挫力的考驗。尤其以資淺社工而言,在經驗與資源缺乏的狀況下,要能在職涯考驗中堅持並維持健康實屬不易。鑑於世界衛生組織與國際間提倡休閒運動對健康的影響,本研究旨在探討年資五年以下醫學中心資淺醫務社工,在工作適應前、後休閒運動參與的狀況,並透過跨理論模式探討工作對受訪者處在何種階段之影響,以理解研究對象對於休閒運動的需求與期待。本研究透過社群網站、滾雪球及前輩引薦等方式,獲得10位具五年以下社工年資,且任職於醫療中心的醫務社工同意參與本研究。本研究是以半結構式深度訪談法,進行資料的蒐集。本研究的主要發現如下:一、 休閒運動參與情形受研究對象角色定位影響。二、 個人經驗、喜好與態度影響休閒運動參與阻礙層面廣。三、 休閒運動參與方式多元且延伸至工作與生活中。四、 休閒運動參與限制與工作適應期長短有別。五、 休閒運動經驗反饋是影響參與穩定度的關鍵。
Medical social workers have to undergo at least 4 years of professional education to be a qualified social worker. However, when it comes to the practical work, it is a test of one’s resilience, stamina and ability to overcome obstacles. This is especially so for the junior social workers, given their lack of experiences and resources. It also becomes a challenge for them to take care of their own well-being.With calls from WHO to promote exercise as a way to improve one’s health, this study examines the effect that exercise has on helping junior medical social workers adapt to their work. Through the use of the cross-theoretical model, the study also looks at the impact that each of different stages of the work has on the worker to understand the needs and expectations the social worker has of how exercise can help them to cope with the work.This study recruited 10 medical social workers with 5 years or less of experience working in medical settings, through social networking sites, word-of-mouth and referrals to participate in this study. This study adopts the semi-structured in-depth interview method to collect data.These are the main findings of the study:1) the participation in exercise is role-dependent;2) the participation in exercise is dependent on one's personal interest, experience and attitude towards sports;3) the mode of participation in exercise is varied and extends into one's work and life;4) one’s participation in exercise is dependent on the duration one takes to adapt to the work;5) one’s enjoyment of the leisure sport activity will determine one’s consistent participation in it.



醫務社會工作, 休閒運動, 資淺社工, medical social worker, exercise, junior social worker





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