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本研究之目的為追蹤三位床邊教學病生,透過家長觀點,描述發病初期接受治療至病癒回歸校園生活的生命歷程。本研究採質性研究紮根理論,透過半結構式訪談大綱深入訪談,探究病生家長對床邊教學班之感受,以及病生此階段之求學歷程,進一步歸納訪談內容並提出建議。 本研究的發現與結論如下: 一、一般社會大眾及校園內師生對兒童癌症病生認識有限,學校相關人員不熟悉病生離校時期可運用之教育資源,導致對病生照護上產生疑慮,衍生出成績計算與成績權責問題。 二、返校狀況視病生身體狀況及醫療階段而定,以漸進方式返回校園,無法以全有全無方式決定是否回歸校園生活。意即病生所接受的各式教育資源勢必會重疊,可依照返校的適應狀況逐步褪除相關服務。 三、病生之教育資源涵蓋範圍僅限義務教育階段,且服務內容及時間有限,無法全面滿足病生教育需求。 研究者歸納訪談內容結果,認為教育行政單位與學校應加強師生對兒童癌症病生認知的宣導,針對病生制定明確的成績計算與返校流程,並期待能擴大教育資源之時數與服務對象,以協助病生得以更順利的重返校園生活。
The purpose of this research is to follow three student patients who received hospital schooling due to health impairments. Their life course from receiving treatment during early stages of onset until recovery and return to life on school grounds is described through their parents’ perspective. This study utilizes the grounded theory for qualitative research and conducted in depth interviews through a semi-structured interview framework in order to investigate parents’ perception toward hospital schooling as well as this particular phase of students’ course of education. The researcher then further conducted induction of interview content and proposed suggestions. Research findings and conclusions are as follows: I. Typical members of society as well as students and faculty understand little of students suffering from childhood cancer. Relevant staff members are not familiar with the potential education resources available to patient students when they leave school grounds which may lead to possible doubts when administering care to students, resulting in problems with grade calculation and authority. II. Returning to school depends on students’ state of health as well as stage of treatment. Students return to school on a progressive basis for it is impossible to absolutely determine whether or not they can return to life on school grounds. This means that the various education resources students receive upon return will certainly overlap. Relevant services may be gradually removed according to adaptability of students returning to school. III. The education resources students receive are only limited to compulsory education, with limited service content as well as time which cannot satisfy their educational needs. The researcher conducted induction of interview findings and believes education administrative units and schools should strengthen awareness of childhood cancer patients. They should address student needs and stipulate defined grade calculation and return procedures as well as increase the number of hours and include more people to be serviced by education resources so that patient students may return to school life more successfully.



身體病弱, 質性研究, 床邊教學, 返校, health impairments, qualitative research, hospital schooling, returning to school





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