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在全球化與低價微利時代的競爭壓力下,文化創意產業被視為台灣下一波的重要產業,本研究主要研究目的為:(1)經由文獻整理分析、專家訪談、專家會議與德菲法建構台灣工藝文化創意產業的指標;(2)以AHP法完成台灣工藝文化創意產業指標的權重分配;(3)綜合研究結果提供建議,供有關單位擬定與評估相關政策,以及相關產業界發展之參考。 研究結論為:(1)台灣工藝文化創意產業指標為人才、科技、包容性與產業環境等4大構面、17個指標與28個內涵。(2)構面指標權重由高到低為:科技構面、包容性構面、人才構面與產業環境構面。指數指標權重由高到低前三名為:高科技指標、新移民指標與創意階級指標。內涵指標權重由高到低前三名為:創意階級(根據主要職業分類的定義)人數充足程度、人均(每人每年平均擁有)工藝相關專利數充足程度與對在外國出生的新移民接納程度指標。 依據結論所提之建議為:擬定與評估相關政策時,可以參考同層級指標依權重由高到低的順序修訂;相關產業界在發展時,可以參考同層級指標依權重由高到低的順序訂定計畫;在應用本研究的指標時請審度文化與各行業的特性,彈性修正本研究結果方可;可以依據本研究結果,分別針對各行業做修訂本研究結果的後續研究。
Under the pressure of global competition with low-price and little merchandise benefit, the cultural and creative industry in Taiwan is seemed to be an important industry in future. The main goals of this study are: (1) by analyzing the related data, using the Delphi, opening conferences and making interviews with experts, Taiwanese crafts cultural and creative industry indicators are constructed ; (2) by using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), the percentages of the indicators would be made, and (3) to make suggestions for those institutes and companies to set up the related policies. The conclusion of this study --- (1)The Taiwanese crafts cultural and creative industry indicators consist of talent, technology, tolerance, and industry environment in aspects of four faces, seventeen indicators, and twenty-eight contents, (2) The percentages of the face indicators, from high to low, are technology face, tolerance face, talent face, and industry environment face. The percentages of the index-indicators, from high to low, are high technology indicator, new immigrants indicator, and creativity class indicator . The percentages of the content indicators, from high to low, are the degree of sufficient manpower of the creativity class, the degree of sufficient crafts patent in average per person every year, and the degree of acceptance of new immigrants who were born abroad. According to the conclusion of this study, the following suggestions would be made:-- When the related policies are evaluated and made, the percentages of indicators in same hierarchy from high to low should be considered in order; During the development of the industry, plans should be made in order with regard to the percentages of indicators in same hierarchy from high to low; When using the indicators, the characteristics of various cultures and companies should be considered, and some amendments would be made if necessary. According to the conclusion of this study, further research for this subject matter with regard to various companies would be made respectively.



工藝, 文化, 創意, 產業, 指標, 德菲法, 層級分析法, crafts, culture, creativity, industry, Indicators, Delphi), Analytic Hierarchy Process, AHP





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