Job Autonomy, Work Life Balance and Affective Commitment: The Moderating Effect of Organizational Identity

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Organizational commitment is an important aspect that keeps the employees continuously focus in their job. Organization whose members show high level of commitment tent to show high performance and productivity. Numerous researches had been done to measure organizational commitment. But little had been done on investigating the relationship between job autonomy, work life balance and affective commitment. Therefore, this study tried to confirm the relationship between the three variables, with a focus in the moderating effect of organizational identity, particularly in the context of the Malaysian public sector. 203 responses were collected using an online questionnaire from public managers in various departments throughout the country. The linear and hierarchical regression analyses were adopted to test the relationships between job autonomy and work life balance towards affective commitment, as well as tested, the moderating effect of organizational identity for the relationships among these three variables. The findings of this study provided important managerial implications for public sector institutions in Malaysia.



job autonomy, work life balance, organizational identity, affective commitment, Malaysian public sector, job autonomy, work life balance, organizational identity, affective commitment, Malaysian public sector





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