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本研究旨在分析國立高級工業職業學校機械科學生實習工場安全衛生滿意度之相關情形,對於相關研究主題先進行文獻的探討,探討機械科實習工場及安全衛生相關主題,進而編訂問卷,並將台灣省分為北、中、南、東四區,各選擇兩所學校,進行問卷填答。 研究工具為參考相關研究者之論文,編訂之「國立高級工業職業學校學生實習工場安全衛生滿意度之研究調查問卷」,以台灣地區北、中、南、東四區共八所國立高級職業學校機械科學生為調查對象,回收問卷經整理統計合計有效問卷為 821 份。以次數分配、百分比、平均數、標準差、t -test、單因子變異數分析及事後比較等統計分析方法進行分析並加以討論,本研究經探討分析後,歸納出以下結論: 1.機械科學生對於實習工場安全衛生整體滿意度大都為正向。 2.不同背景因素之國立高職機械科學生對實習工場安全衛生整體滿意度除了在實習成績方面,實習成績在「軟體設施」構面中,「80分以上未達90分」,表現優於「未達60分」的學生。「70分以上未達80分」及「80分以上未達90分」的學生,在「硬體設施」方面,表現優於「未達60分」的學生。成績好的同學明顯優於成績未達六十分的同學外,在其他背景因素則無明顯差異。 3.不同背景因素之國立高職機械科學生對實習工場安全衛生各構面滿意度並無差異存在。
The purpose of this study aims to analyze the students’ satisfaction with the practice workshop safety and hygiene in Mechanical Engineering Departments in national industrial vocational high schools. First of all, the study adopts literature review to discuss the related topics on the workshop safety and hygiene in Mechanical Engineering Departments. Secondly, proceed the questionnaires to two selected schools in northern, southern, eastern and central Taiwan respectively. The questionnaires sample 821 students of 8 Mechanical Engineering Departments in national industrial vocational high schools nationwide. To conduct the data analysis and discussion, the study utilizes statistic methods, such as standard deviation, t test and one-way ANOVA. The following are the results: 1. Students of Mechanical Engineering Departments hold an overall positive attitude toward the performance of the workshop safety and hygiene. 2. Different background factors play no significant role in students’ satisfaction with the workshop safety and hygiene, except the fact that students with higher practice scores are found significantly than those with barely 60. 3. Different background factors prove that the students’ satisfaction in every dimension with the workshop safety and hygiene is without distinction.



實習工場, 安全衛生, 滿意度, practice workshop, safety and hygiene, satisfaction





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