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臺灣養豬畜牧業自1997年爆發口蹄疫後二十年來不僅未隨著時間進步,反而面臨產業發展、小規模畜牧場陸續離牧、養豬勞動年齡老化及年輕人不願投入產業等困境,這些問題都使得臺灣養豬業慢慢失去國際競爭力。近年隨著消費者要求食品安心、安全、健康及重視環保的需求,養豬畜牧業朝向大型企業化經營,然而小規模畜牧場的資源比不上大型畜牧場,若不調整思維,意識到產業需要變革,最終將在畜牧產業中遭到淘汱。 本研究以N公司為個案研究對象,個案公司目前在養豬畜牧產業所累積的經驗值得探討研究:從飼料的源頭開始管理、飼養環境優化、豬隻飼養制度標準化、豬隻及豬肉產品的產銷履歷等等,從生產到銷售一條龍模式,每個環節都有良好的控管,同時垂直整合上下游豬肉的生產鏈,希望吸引相同理念的養豬畜牧者加入,共同追求創新、品質、環保及永續經營的新農業營運模式。 根據個案公司的分析,提出養豬產業的營運策略可從內部企業與外部產業兩方面思考改善,內部從企業流程再造,包括從全程冷鏈作業、產銷履歷、研發能力提升、企業化管理及推動品牌豬肉等,外部從產業環境強化著手,將產業管理智慧化、專業畜牧教育制度系統化及推動屠體評級制度,藉此改變企業及消費者思維,增加養豬畜牧者的社經地位,解決畜牧者年齡老化養豬業者離牧之問題,讓年輕人願意投入該產業,使其小規模畜牧養豬場達到規模經濟,提高豬肉的附加價值以達到價格及豬肉品質的提升,來滿足巿場、消費者及畜牧者的需求,並增加產業的國際競爭力。
Since the outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease in 1997, the swine industry in Taiwan has not made much progress over the past twenty years, but faced with various difficulties, like lack of industrial development, the closedown of small-scale livestock farms, an aging workforce, and the low willingness of young people to enter the industry and so forth. These problems have made Taiwan’s swine industry gradually lose its international competitiveness. In recent years, with consumers growing awareness of health, food security and environmental issues, large-scale enterprise management system has become the norm in the swine industry, whereas the small-scale livestock farms with fewer resources at hand are losing the competition. If not adjusting their thinking and realizing the necessity of change and innovation, the small-scale livestock farms would eventually die out. A case study of Company N is presented in this study, as the experience it has gained in the swine industry is worth exploring. Starting from the management of pig feed source, breeding environment optimization, pig breeding system standardization to the traceability of pig and pork products, the company adopts an integrated system from production to sale. Every single detail is well controlled and managed. In addition, it successfully achieved a vertical integration of upstream and downstream pork production chain, looking for opportunities to attract pig farmers with the same philosophy to join them for the creation of a new agricultural operation model which pursues innovation, quality, environmental protection and sustainable operation. Based on the analysis of the case company, the operation strategy of swine industry can be enhanced from the internal and the external aspects. While the internal part involves business process reengineering, like whole-process cold chain operation, traceability, R& D capability, enterprise management and promotion of brand pork, and the like, external effort goes to industry environment improvement, intelligent industrial management, professional education and training system for animal husbandry farmers, carcass rating system so as to change the thinking of enterprises and consumers. All these, in turn, will improve the social and economic status of pig farmers and solve the problems of an aging workforce and the closedown of pig breeding farms, increase the incentives for young people to enter the industry. As a result, the small-scale livestock farms are more likely to achieve economies of scale. The added value of pork increases and so does its price and pork quality to cater the market needs and yield a win-win situation in which consumers and livestock farmers both profit. And finally, it contributes to the industry’s international competitiveness in the long run.



品牌, 營運模式, 垂直整合, 附加價值, 規模經濟, brand, operation model, vertical integration, added value, economies of scale





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