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National Taiwan Normal University
National Taiwan Normal University
近年來,因網際網路盛行促使了社會的重大改變,使得品德教育必須有新的思維與內涵。本研究目的在於建構網路品德教育核心價值的行為準則,以作為發展網路品德教育課程的開端。本研究採兩步驟進行:一、蒐集並分析參與線上研習課程的140 位國中、小教師所發表的回應文章,以建立行為準則初稿之開放式問卷;二、實施德懷術研究法,由17 位具備數位學習、網路素養與認知或品德教育領域之專家、教授、國中、小教師,透過線上德懷術系統進行審視與修正,最終經三回合的調查,歸納出64個網路品德教育之行為準則。最後,本研究提出相關建議及未來研究方向,以期能為網路世代的品德教育訂立新的範疇與研究取向,並作為未來教育推廣與政策訂定之參考。
Traditional personal virtue education is insufficient for addressing the contemporary concernsassociated with Internet use; thus, e-character education is proposed as an effective method forbridging the concerns in cyberspace and those in the real world. The goals of this study were toestablish and verify the behavioral standards that should apply in cyberspace. An open-endedquestionnaire was first developed. After collecting discussion posts on an online course in which 140elementary and junior high school teachers participated, we drafted an initial version of thequestionnaire containing 67 behavioral standards in 12 core value categories. Next, to verify thesestandards and evaluate their importance, we invited 19 experts (character education experts,experienced teachers, and Internet literacy scholars) to form a Delphi-technique group. After threeDelphi rounds, 17 experts reached a consensus on the 64 most important behavioral standards thatwould be applicable to student behavior in cyberspace. Finally, according to the results, this studyprovides suggestions for curriculum design, policy formulation, and further research on e-charactereducation.
Traditional personal virtue education is insufficient for addressing the contemporary concernsassociated with Internet use; thus, e-character education is proposed as an effective method forbridging the concerns in cyberspace and those in the real world. The goals of this study were toestablish and verify the behavioral standards that should apply in cyberspace. An open-endedquestionnaire was first developed. After collecting discussion posts on an online course in which 140elementary and junior high school teachers participated, we drafted an initial version of thequestionnaire containing 67 behavioral standards in 12 core value categories. Next, to verify thesestandards and evaluate their importance, we invited 19 experts (character education experts,experienced teachers, and Internet literacy scholars) to form a Delphi-technique group. After threeDelphi rounds, 17 experts reached a consensus on the 64 most important behavioral standards thatwould be applicable to student behavior in cyberspace. Finally, according to the results, this studyprovides suggestions for curriculum design, policy formulation, and further research on e-charactereducation.