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面臨如此變化快速的網路環境,非營利組織透過網路推廣組織提升競爭力,便是其成功的關鍵。隨著網路的普及化,因著其高互動、即時性、無限延伸、個人化和成本低廉的特性,克服了非營利組織行銷的困境,亦是改善對外溝通成效的一大契機。 本研究為質化研究,採用深度訪談法進行研究,訪談兒少福利基金會內部人員、外部人員及兒少福利專家,瞭解兒少福利基金會運用網路推廣公益行銷的現況,以及影響兒少福利基金會網路推廣公益行銷的因素,歸納整理出兒少福利基金會網路推廣公益行銷之工具、策略。 研究發現,兒少福利基金會雖然積極和許多免費的公益平台合作,或是建置官網,運用社群網站來吸引服務對象、捐助者以及社會大眾的關注,達成組織使命並創造公益品牌的附加價值,但因專業人力不足、專業知識不足等原因,使得基金會無法有效發揮網路推廣公益行銷的目的。因此,兒少福利基金會的組織決策者及夥伴的訓練及學習,乃為支持基金會運用網路推廣公益行銷過程中相當重要的一環,亦是基金會面對快速變化的網路世界,必須繼續前進的動力。
Facing a rapidly changing internet environment, the key to the success of a Non-Profit Organization is to utilize the internet to promote its organization and enhance its competitiveness. Given the characteristics of inter-activeness, instantaneity, infinity, personalization and low-cost, the popularization of internet helps a Non-Profit Organization overcome the difficulties in marketing and improve the effectiveness of external communication. This study is a qualitative study adopting in-depth interviews analysis. Through interviews with internal staffs and external personnel of children and youth welfare foundation and experts in children and youth welfare, the study illustrates the current status of how a children and youth welfare foundation uses internet to promote public welfare, and the factors affecting thereof, so to collate and analyze the tools and strategies of promoting public welfare through internet by a children and youth welfare foundation. The study found that although the child and youth welfare foundations actively cooperate with free public service platforms, or build official website, or use social networking websites to attract clients, sponsors and public's attention so to achieve the foundation's mission and to create additional public brand value, due to professional manpower shortage, lack of expertise and other reasons, the foundation is not able to effectively give play to public welfare internet promotions. Therefore, welfare decision makers’ and partners’ training and learning become the key to supporting a foundation’s public welfare internet promotion and the driving force for a foundation to face the rapidly changing internet society.



兒少福利基金會, 網路推廣, 公益行銷, 行銷策略, Child and Youth Welfare Foundation, Internet Promotion, Cause-Related Marketing, Marketing Strategy





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