

傳統之陶瓷壓電材料,如鋯鈦酸鉛(PZT)等,必須使用射頻磁控濺鍍法來進行薄膜沈積,或是以溶膠-凝膠法(sol-gel)旋塗後再高溫燒結(650 C-700 C),所產生之製程設備昂貴、薄膜結構製程複雜或高溫燒結會使微元件受到破壞等缺點。然而,在微機電領域製作微小型結構,若材料承受高溫燒結,必會造成材料產生殘留應力過大之現象,使得微小結構遭受破壞、表面破裂等缺點。因此,必須發展新型焦電材料與結合低溫製程,以實現低成本微元件之開發。 高分子壓電薄膜材料聚偏二氟乙烯(polyvinylidene fluoride, PVDF),以低溫烘烤(< 80 ℃)成貝塔相(β phase)後,再以外加強電場方式將薄膜極化,使其具備焦電與壓電特性。如此一來,薄膜成相不必經過高溫燒結過程,較不易造成殘留應力過大、微結構彎曲變形等問題。壓電材料PVDF本身具有高撓性之優點且屬低溫之製程,使在製作過程中不會產生應力過大現象。 本研究主要可分為兩大部份: 1. 利用添加感光藥劑,進行聚偏二氟乙烯溶液的改質,已開發出具備感光特性之溶液,並且以霍式轉換紅外光譜儀與X-ray粉末繞射儀,確定材料的結晶相。 2. 將可微影之聚偏二氟乙烯壓電材料,配合微機電製程技術,成功地釋放微結構。
In this study, the focal point is to change intrinsic character of polymer piezoelectric PVDF as photosensitive. After that, PVDF is provided with photolithography properties and still has piezoelectric and pyroelectric functions. The photosensitive PVDF solution has advantages of defining the patterns easily and having low temperature processes. Replacing traditional pyro-materials such as PbTiO3, (Pb, Ca)TiO3, LiTaO3, PZT that deposit piezo-film using RF sputter, sol-gel with high temperature sintering. The disadvantages of these traditional materials are expensive facilities, complex fabrication processes and CMOS circuit damaged by high-temperature sintering. The major contents in this proposal include: 1. To develop the photosensitive PVDF solution and find the optimal fabrication parameters: it can prepare the photosensitivity of PVDF solution by adding appropriate photo-initiator, photo-sensitizer and crosslinker etc. And to confirm the  phase of PVDF using FTIR and X-ray. 2. Using microelectro mechanical system technologies to release the cantilever beams using photolithographic PVDF solution. The PS-PVDF solution is suit for MEMS field.



聚偏二氟乙烯, 感光特性, 微影製程, 負型光阻, 壓電材料, poly(vinylidene fluoride), photolithographic characteristics, photolithography fabrication, negative photoresist, piezoelectric material, PVDF





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