Measurement of the state of hole with one exposure using a single digital camera
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Chin-Tun Chuang
Ming-Chi Lu
Chen-Chien Hsu
Yin-Yu Lu
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In this paper, a novel measuring method for examining the state of a single drilled through-thickness
hole in terms of exact surface roughness, precision tolerance, eccentricity is presented. The proposed method
can also measure the diameter and depth of the hole with one exposure using a single digital camera. It is the
aim of this paper to develop a new camera positioning control device which utilizes the forementioned
measuring method to reduce expenses and process time during the measurement. We designed the apparatus
according to an established frame of digital camera measurement parameters (height of optic position and width
of horizontal view angle). The effectiveness of the proposed approach in measuring the diameter and depth of
the through hole has been validated by using gray scale chromatic aberration of the image contour regions. This
measurement system not only increases the accuracy of the measuring results but is also applicable with any
kinds of digital cameras.