

本研究主要目的在探討公立(國立、市立)職業學校推動自我評鑑之校長決策因素。研究採質性個案研究法進行,以多個案重疊分析比對,藉由擴散資料朝收歛聚焦之過程形塑職校自我評鑑之校長決策因素。研究者首先依文件分析結果設計半結構化訪談命題,進行深度訪談了五所曾辦理自我評鑑之公立職校校長,經分析後得到以下之結論: 一、公立職校推動自我評鑑校長扮演角色為:主動領導者、決策推動者、規劃執行者、整合溝通者、檢核促進者。 二、公立職校推動自我評鑑校長所關注之決策問題有:社區特色、學校發展目標、評鑑構面與指標、升學與就業、教學效能與品質、法源與規定、教職員與處室主管間的溝通。 三、公立職校推動自我評鑑校長所關注之決策過程為:確認問題擬定解決方案、持續不斷溝通與協調、執行選定的解決方案、檢討、改進與追蹤成效。 四、公立職校推動自我評鑑之內外在校長決策因素為:外部因素有社會期待、資源應用、教育政策與法令、社區特色與期望;內部因素有校長角色扮演、組織運作、資源整合、發展策略、行政管理五個考量決策因素。 相對地,本研究也對主管教育機關、辦理自我評鑑之學校和後續研究提出建議。
The purpose of this study was to explore the principal’s decision-making factor in self-evaluation at public(National and Taipei city)high vocational schools. Utilizing the qualitative method to analyze five assigned principals with school self-evaluation experience, the principal’s decision-making factors were formed from diffusive materials to convergent focuses. Five vocational school principals were interviewed according to a semi-formed questionnaire created by researcher’s documental analysis results. The conclusions were followed. On the process of school self-evaluation, first of all, the roles the public senior high vocational principal play are active leader; policy-making impetus; plans executive; integrated communicator; and inspective promoter. Second, the focuses the public senior high vocational principal care are determining community characteristic to locate the school developmental goal; paying attention to the constructs and indicators of self-evaluation; emphasizing both higher education and career; promoting teaching efficiency and quality; ruling policy and stipulation; and linking up between personnel and organization. Third, the strategies the public senior high vocational principal process are confirming question to find solutions; continuously communicating and coordinating; executing designate solutions; and self-criticism improving and tracing. Finally, the decision-making factors the public senior high vocational principal hold rely on external environment including society anticipations, resources applications, educational policy and stipulation , and community characteristic and the expectation; and internal environment including the role principal play, the organizational operation, the resources combination, the developmental strategy, and the administration. Additionally, there were some recommendations to education administrators; high vocational schools and further studies in this study.



自我評鑑, 決策因素, 職業教育, self-evaluation, decision-making factor, vocational education





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