
dc.contributorLiao, Jung-Yuen_US
dc.contributor.authorHung, Tzu-Huien_US
dc.description.abstract背景:我國的人口老化速度逐年加快,預估於2025年進入超高齡社會。然全球受到新冠肺炎的威脅,可能影響國內長照產業投入意願,因此了解相關科系學生投入長照產業有助於未來長照產業人才之投入。目的:本研究運用計畫行為理論,探討後疫情時代就讀護理、長期照護及公共衛生等健康產業相關科系的學生投入長照產業意圖之影響因素。方法:本研究採線上問卷調查法,目標族群為國內年滿20歲以上之護理系、長期照護系、公共衛生系(含醫務管理系或健康事業管理系)等健康產業相關科系的學生,回收有效問卷共計153份,以SPSS 23.0版套裝軟體進行變異數分析、t檢定、皮爾遜相關分析、多元階層迴歸分析等。結果:本研究學生之老化知識程度為中等 (M = 7.71, SD = 2.38);對於長照或老化看法偏正向 (M = 25.59, SD = 3.50) ;同理心表現為正向 (M = 35.25, SD = 4.44) ;而對於COVID-19感知的程度偏高 (M = 7.86; SD = 1.54) 。在投入長照產業的計畫行為理論變項的表現上,本研究的學生投入長照產業意圖 (M = 9.22; SD = 3.04) 、對於投入長照產業工作態度 (M = 10.80; SD = 2.07) 以及知覺行為控制 (M = 10.25; SD = 2.63) 為中等程度,但主觀規範偏低 (M = 8.71; SD = 2.76) ,而社會心理變項與投入長照產業意圖為低度相關。多元階層迴歸分析結果顯示,影響後疫情時代的健康產業相關科系學生投入長照產業意圖之因素包含「男性」 (β = -0.142, p< .05) 、「對於投入長照產業工作之態度」 (β = 0.481, p < .001) 、「主觀規範」 (β = 0.225, p < .001) 及「知覺行為控制」 (β = 0.214, p < .01) 。 結論:當學生對於投入長照產業抱持正向的態度時,提升重要他人的支持與勝任感,將有助於增強投入長照產業之意圖。因此,建議健康產業科系之教育單位能夠推動在地化產學合作,增加長照單位之參訪、見習機會,並增設高齡長照學實習為必/選修課程,強化學生對在地長照產業的認同,以激發就業的動機。同時,可增設高齡與長照相關通識課程或學分學程,以消除對於長照或老化之刻板印象或偏見,有助於未來長照產業人力的發展。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractBackground: The speed of aging population in Taiwan is faster. It will become an aging society by 2025. However, the global threat of the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) may affect the intentions of students in relevant disciplines entering the long-term care industry. Therefore, understanding the factors that influence students in health-related disciplines, such as nursing, long-term care, and public health, to enter the long-term care industry. It can contribute to the future supply of talent in the field.Objective: Based on the theory of planned behavior (TPB), this study aimed to investigate the factors that influence students in health-related disciplines, such as nursing, long-term care, and public health, to enter the long-term care industry in the post-COVID-19 era.Methods: The formal questionnaire was conducted as an online survey. The 153 participants who aged 20 or older majoring in nursing, long-term care, public health and other departments of health care-related (including the department of health care administration). One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), t-test, Pearson correlation analysis, and hierarchical multiple regression analysis were performed using SPSS 23.0 software.Results: The results showed that the mean score on the aging quiz scale was intermediate (M = 7.71, SD = 2.38), and the perception toward long-term care or aging was positive (M = 25.59, SD = 3.50). The mean score of empathy was positive (M = 35.25, SD = 4.44), whereas the mean score of perception of COVID-19 was high (M = 7.86, SD = 1.78). It was found that the mean scores of participants were intermediate on intention to the long-term care industry (M = 9.22, SD = 3.04), attitudes toward engaging in the long-term care industry (M = 10.80, SD = 2.07), and perceived behavioral control (M = 10.25, SD = 2.63). In contrast, the mean score of subjective norms was low (M = 8.71, SD = 2.76). The psychosocial variables were few positively associated with the intention. The results of the hierarchical multiple regression models revealed that the significant factors included “male” (β = -0.142, p< .05), “attitudes toward engaging in the long-term care industry” (β = 0.481, p < .001), “subjective norms” (β = 0.225, p < .001) and “perceived behavioral control” (β = 0.214, p < .01). Conclusion: The findings support that holding a positive attitude towards entering the long-term care industry and increasing support and self-efficacy from important others will enhance the intention to enter the long-term care industry. It is recommended that educational institutions in health-related disciplines promote local industry-academia collaboration, increase opportunities for visits, internships, and practical training in long-term care units, and establish geriatric and long-term care-related general education courses or credit programs to strengthen students' identification with the local long-term care industry, eliminate stereotypes or prejudices, and contribute to the development of the long-term care workforce in the future.en_US
dc.subjectintention to work in long-term care industryen_US
dc.subjectknowledge of agingen_US
dc.subjectperception of COVID-19en_US
dc.subjectperception toward older peopleen_US
dc.subjecttheory of planned behavioren_US
dc.titleInfluencing Factors on the Intention to Engage in the Long-term Care Industry among College Students with Nursing, Long-term Care and Public Health Majors in the Post-COVID-19 Eraen_US

