Collaborative early EFL reading among distributed learners: A simulation pilot study
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Lan, Y. J.
Sung, Y. T.
Chang, K. E.
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The Journal of the JALT CALL SIG
It is widely accepted that reading provides important opportunities for second language
(L2) development, however, in Taiwan sources of L2 input are often limited for learners in
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) settings. This problem is compounded by environmental
constraints such as students’ diversity in reading abilities, the socio-economic gap between
urban and rural students, class sizes, time constraints and available resources, and dealing
with these constraints effectively requires new pedagogies and tools. We designed a wireless
peer-assisted leaning system for early EFL reading to enhance online collaborative EFL reading
and provide EFL learners with an opportunity to teach and learn with each other. In this study
we examine the use of this wireless reading system in a conventional EFL class to simulate a
distributed learning situation. The results suggested that wireless EFL reading may emerge as
a flexible and portable solution to the pedagogical challenges that exist in conventional EFL
reading and teaching environments.