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在2000年達康(.com)泡沫化後,網際網路受惠於日益增進的資訊技術,逐漸發展成使用者導向的應用。使用者不再只是訊息的接收者,透過簡便的工具,開始扮演資訊提供者的角色。資訊的內容與形式也轉變成由使用者來主導,種種跡象顯示著Web2.0的時代已經來臨。維基百科是Web2.0的代表性應用之一。「開放共享、協同創作」的特性,讓維基百科成為眾多網路使用者集體創造知識的應用平台。 由於現有維基百科僅將知識以網頁形式儲存並提供簡易的搜尋功能,無法提供完整的知識架構。有鑑於此,本研究以金融產業運用維基系統作為知識管理平台為例,利用本體知識技術建立知識分類並賦予維基知識條目具備語意特性,讓知識內容可以依照分類架構儲存於本體知識庫,透過這個機制協助使用者有組織將金融知識的建立於維基系統。另外,本研究使用Java程式語言開發介面程式,提供使用者進行知識條目與常見問題的語意搜尋。針對維基系統所欠缺的知識導覽功能,我們提出以概念圖形式取代現有文字連結的方式,讓使用者可以更深入了解知識內容架構。結合本體知識技術與概念圖應用可以讓維基系統不再只是片段知識的儲存庫,而是具有語意概念的數位學習平台。
Right after the dot-com bubble burst in 2000, owing to the progress of information technology, the internet has gaining more users and applications. Nowadays, internet users are no longer merely web page readers. They can use a simple tool to play the role of information providers in the internet. The content and style of information are also becoming definable by users. All these indications point to the birth of the Web2.0 era. As we all know, among the Web 2.0 applications, Wikipedia is one of the representatives. The characteristic of Wikipedia is "open and collaborative". It makes Wikipedia an application platform on which most internet users can create knowledge collaboratively. Wikipedia can only save knowledge entries into a page format and provide simple search function at present. It is not functioned as a completed knowledge structure. In order to resolve the above-mentioned problems, this research is trying to present by how the financial industry makes use of wiki system as a knowledge management platform, builds knowledge classification by ontology technology and features wiki entries semantic functions. Through this mechanism, knowledge can be stored in accordance with the classification structure of ontology database and users can create an organized financial knowledge in wiki system. In addition, this research develops semantic search programs by Java programming language. It helps users do the semantic search of the knowledge entries and the frequently asked questions. Due to the lack of knowledge navigation in wiki system, we suggest the use of concept map method in place of the hyperlink between knowledge entries. By doing so, the users can easily get a better understanding of knowledge structure. Combining the ontology technology and concept map application can make wiki system not only a repository of fragment knowledge, but also an e-learning platform with semantic concept.



語意維基, 維基百科, 資源描述框架, 知識本體論語言, 概念圖, Semantic Wiki, Wikipedia, RDF, OWL, Concept Map





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