田培林與臺灣師範大學教育研究所的早期發展( 1954-1975)
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Department od Education, NTNU
Department od Education, NTNU
觀諸臺灣教育學研究的發展,實不容忽視臺灣師範大學教育研究所,因臺灣師範大學教育研究所長期以來是臺灣教育學研究的重鎮之一。然而,臺灣師範大學教育研究所之所以能成為國內教育學研究的重鎮,歸因於創所所長田培林的(ㄆㄨㄛˋ)畫經營。依此,本文藉由歷史文獻的閱讀分析,旨在探討田培林與臺灣師範大學教育研究所的早期發展(1954-1975) ,以洞識田培林與臺灣師範大學教育研究所的關係,進而認知田培林創立教育研究所的經過,了解國內教育學研究的重鎮一臺灣師範大學教育研究所的發展,窺知臺灣教育發展的部分樣貌。而關於臺灣師範大學教育研究所的早期發展,本文探究出五項主要的事實:一、「研究」是教育研究所早期發展的重要方向;二、教育研究的內容偏重於教育哲史;三、聘任學有專精的教授來授課;四、學生的素質要高,寧缺勿濫;五、田培林教育愛的實踐,裨益教育研究所早期的發展。
With regard to the study of education in Taiwan, the Graduate Institute of Education (GIE) at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), undoubtedly, has played a significant role in its development. The founder Pei-Lin Tien made various contributions to the GIE. By reviewing and analyzing historical works, this essay explores Pei-Lin Tien and the early development ofthe GIE (1 954-1975) in an attempt to understand their relationship. Furthermore, by knowing how Pei-Lin Tien founded the GIE, it is hoped we can gain an idea of the development of the GIE, an important research center of education, and then gain some understanding of educational development in Taiwan. There are five main facts analyzed in this study. First, "research" was an important aspect of the early development of the GIE. Second, with respect to the focus of research, philosophy and history of education were emphasized. Third, scholars with different specialties were invited to teach the students at the GIE. Fourth, the quality of the students must be excellent. Fifth, Pei-Lin Tien put educational love into practice, and such practice positively affected early GIE development (1 954-1975).
With regard to the study of education in Taiwan, the Graduate Institute of Education (GIE) at National Taiwan Normal University (NTNU), undoubtedly, has played a significant role in its development. The founder Pei-Lin Tien made various contributions to the GIE. By reviewing and analyzing historical works, this essay explores Pei-Lin Tien and the early development ofthe GIE (1 954-1975) in an attempt to understand their relationship. Furthermore, by knowing how Pei-Lin Tien founded the GIE, it is hoped we can gain an idea of the development of the GIE, an important research center of education, and then gain some understanding of educational development in Taiwan. There are five main facts analyzed in this study. First, "research" was an important aspect of the early development of the GIE. Second, with respect to the focus of research, philosophy and history of education were emphasized. Third, scholars with different specialties were invited to teach the students at the GIE. Fourth, the quality of the students must be excellent. Fifth, Pei-Lin Tien put educational love into practice, and such practice positively affected early GIE development (1 954-1975).