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Department of Health Promotion and Health Education


本研究之目的在於探討運用「社會學習教學技巧」與「一般教學技巧」對學童飲 食認知、飲食自我效能及飲食行為(蔬菜水果、低營養密度點心及含糖飲料攝取)的影響, 並比較二種教學技巧在營養教學上之差異性。本研究採「不等的前測一後測控制組設計」, 以四年級四個班級 105 名學童為對象。 實驗組接受採用示範、技能訓練、自我控制及增強 的社會學習教學技巧;對照組則接受一般的教學方法(講述、問答、小組討論爭)所設計的 教學活動。在教學介入前,二組接受前測,經過四週教學(八個單元)結束後進行後測(立 即效果),八週後再實施後後測(短期效果)。以卡方考驗、考驗及多元迴歸分析進行資料 處理, 所得重要結果如下:1. 社會學習教學技巧能立即增進學童的飲食認知、飲食自我效 能及蔬菜水果的拆取,同時低營養密度點心的攝取頻率也降低;經過八週後,飲食認知、蔬 菜水果及低營養密度點心攝取的介入短期效果仍持續。 2. 一般教學技巧能立即增進對照組 學童的飲食認知,經過八週後,介入的短期效果仍持續。 3. 由教學後的立即影響來看,社 會學習教學技巧對增加受試者飲食自我效能、蔬菜水果攝取及減少含糖飲料攝取的教學成效 頗著優於一般教學技巧;經過八週後,社會學習教學技巧的營養教育效果在飲食自我效能及 蔬菜水果攝取上仍有顯著性的效果。
There were two purposes in this study. First of all, to explore the effect of nutrition instruction, using the social learning-oriented teaching techniques (experimental group, E) and traditional teaching techniques (control group, C), on improving the dietary knowledge, dietary self-efficacy and dietary behavior(vegetable& fruit consumption, low nutrient density snack foods and sugar-contained soft drinks frequency). Secondary, to compare difference in dietary knowledge, dietary self-efficacy and dietary behavior between E and C. A non-equivalent control group design was used in this study. One hundred and five 4th graders were selected as the sample. The E group, was treated with eight sessions of nutrition instruction (using social learning-oriented teaching techniques '@ modeling, contracting, skill training, self-monitoring and reinforcement). The C group was treated with traditional teaching technique. The effect of intervention was assessed by questionnaires and 3-day dietary report immediately after eight sessions (posttest) and follow-up (post posttest) evaluation in the next eight weeks. The date was analyzed by �� test, paired t-test and multiple regression analysis. The major findings were as follows: 1. Social learning-oriented teaching techniques can immediately increase student's dietary knowledge, dietary self- efficacy, vegetable & fruit consumption and decrease low nutrient density snack foods intake. At eight-week follow-up test, the dietary knowledge score, vegetable & fruit consumption showed significantly higher than of pre-test, the frequency of sugar-contained soft drink intake significantly lower than of pre-test. 2. Traditional teaching techniques increased student's dietary knowledge and the intervention effect still lasted for eight weeks. 3. Social learning-oriented teaching techniques had significant effect on improving student's dietary self-efficacy, vegetable & fruit consumption and decreasing frequency of sugar-contained soft drink







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