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方法:本研究為世代研究,使用六歲及九歲兒童與其母親資料,分別為57對(114位)、40對(80位),利用兩日24小時飲食回憶與本研究室研發之運算系統(NUFOOD.2)估算含糖飲料與糕餅點心中游離糖量。透過市調與參考文獻來精進資料庫內容,游離糖(free sugar)為使用世界衛生組織(WHO)之定義,指被添加到食物裡的糖和天然存在於果汁與濃縮果汁的糖。
結果:母親(於兒童六歲及九歲)與兒童(六歲及九歲)自含糖飲料與糕餅點心攝取游離糖約31、28與23、32克,占總熱量依序為7.6%、6.0%與6.4%、8.0%。母親與兒童含糖飲料皆以「茶飲料」攝取人數百分比最高;糕餅點心以「麵包類」攝取人數百分比最高。探討母親與兒童游離糖攝取之相關性,發現母親與六歲兒童游離糖攝取有顯著正相關(r=0.32, p<0.05),但兒童至九歲時與母親則無相關性。兒童於六歲時攝取游離糖與身體質量指數(BMI)有顯著正相關(r=0.31, p<0.05);九歲兒童攝取游離糖與乳製品有顯著負相關(r= -0.37, p<0.05)。
Objective: Examination of free sugar consumption from sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks and desserts between children and their mothers, explore free suger association with figure status, diet patterns, and nutrient intakes. Methods: This research is a cohort study, was assessed at aged 6 y (n=57 pairs), 9 y (n=40 pairs) and their mothers, using 24-hour recalls and NUFOOD.2 estimated free sugar from sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks and desserts. Through market research the nutritional facts of products to establish a domestic database. Free sugars were defined according to the definition of the World Health Organization(WHO) as“all sugars added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, and sugars that are naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit concentrates”. Results: Mothers (in children aged 6 y and 9 y) and children (aged 6 y and 9 y) free sugar consumption was 31 g、28 g、23 g、32g, contributing 7.6%、6.0%、6.4%、8.0% of the total energy intake. Children and their mothers major contributing sugar-sweetened beverages from “ tea” , while the “ bread” contributing highest percentage of snacks and desserts. Free sugar consumptions of children at aged 6 y associated with their mothers (r=0.32, p<0.05), and free sugars consumptions of children at aged 9 y is not association with their mothers. Free sugar consumptions of children at aged 6 y associated with changes in BMI (r=0.31, p<0.05). Dairy consumptions of children at aged 9 y associated with free sugar consumption (r= -0.37, p<0.05). Conclusion: In this cohort study, the children and their mother adhered to the WHO recommendation of consumption (<10% total energy of free sugar intake). Mother will influence on children's eating habits, mother should to set a good example, and to train children for health and balanced eating habits
Objective: Examination of free sugar consumption from sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks and desserts between children and their mothers, explore free suger association with figure status, diet patterns, and nutrient intakes. Methods: This research is a cohort study, was assessed at aged 6 y (n=57 pairs), 9 y (n=40 pairs) and their mothers, using 24-hour recalls and NUFOOD.2 estimated free sugar from sugar-sweetened beverages, snacks and desserts. Through market research the nutritional facts of products to establish a domestic database. Free sugars were defined according to the definition of the World Health Organization(WHO) as“all sugars added to foods and beverages by the manufacturer, cook or consumer, and sugars that are naturally present in honey, syrups, fruit juices and fruit concentrates”. Results: Mothers (in children aged 6 y and 9 y) and children (aged 6 y and 9 y) free sugar consumption was 31 g、28 g、23 g、32g, contributing 7.6%、6.0%、6.4%、8.0% of the total energy intake. Children and their mothers major contributing sugar-sweetened beverages from “ tea” , while the “ bread” contributing highest percentage of snacks and desserts. Free sugar consumptions of children at aged 6 y associated with their mothers (r=0.32, p<0.05), and free sugars consumptions of children at aged 9 y is not association with their mothers. Free sugar consumptions of children at aged 6 y associated with changes in BMI (r=0.31, p<0.05). Dairy consumptions of children at aged 9 y associated with free sugar consumption (r= -0.37, p<0.05). Conclusion: In this cohort study, the children and their mother adhered to the WHO recommendation of consumption (<10% total energy of free sugar intake). Mother will influence on children's eating habits, mother should to set a good example, and to train children for health and balanced eating habits
母親, 兒童, 含糖飲料, 糕餅點心, 游離糖, mother, children, sugar sweetened beverages, snacks and desserts, free sugar