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在全球化激烈競爭的商業環境中,如何留住人才成為每個企業所需面對的議題。隨著觀念的轉變,兼顧生活品質與工作內容的工作-生活平衡成為現代人追求的新目標。因此,本研究以工作-生活平衡為主題,探討員工工作-生活平衡對工作滿意與留任意願間的影響。 本研究透過問卷調查的方式,採用立意抽樣,調查6家大型科技公司中的工程師與研發人員,回收並剔除無效問卷之後,得到有效問卷280份,透過統計分析得到以下研究結果: 一、25歲以下、未婚、沒有子女、每週工作時數40小時以下與無負擔管 理責任的員工,有較良好的工作-生活平衡感受。 二、員工工作-生活平衡對工作滿意有正向顯著影響。 三、員工工作-生活平衡對留任意願有正向顯著影響。 四、員工工作滿意對留任意願有正向顯著影響。 五、員工工作滿意在工作-生活平衡與留任意願間擔任完全中介角色。 針對以上分析結果,本研究建議公司組織應了解不同年齡層、婚姻狀況、子女人數、每週工作時數與管理責任有無的員工的需求,設計工作-生活平衡方案與提供協助,以提升員工的工作-生活平衡,此外,針對後續研究,建議對不同世代的員工,對其動機需求與影響工作-生活平衡的因素進行探討,以了解針對不同年齡層的員工,如何有效提供激勵與獎勵方案。
In a competitive business environment, how to retain outstanding employees is an issue that every enterprise needs to face. Nowadays, the employees are more concerned with the job content and the quality of life. Therefore, this study aims to examine how work-life balance impacts on employees’ job satisfaction and intent to stay. This study involved 280 valid samples from six technology companies. A questionnaire was conducted and results indicated that: 1. The employees with different backgrounds, including age under 25, single, without children, working under 40 hours per week and without responsibility, have better perception of work-life balance. 2. Work-life balance has significant positive effect on job satisfaction. 3. Work-life balance has significant positive effect on intent to stay. 4. Job satisfaction has significant positive effect on intent to stay. 5. Job satisfaction fully mediates the association between work-life balance and intent to stay. Based on the results, it is suggested that companies should understand the need of employees with different backgrounds, including age, marriage status, the number of children, working hours per week and responsibility. The companies should accordingly establish work-life balance policies and provide assistance to enhance employees’ work-life balance. Besides, for future studies, we suggest discussing employees’ motives in different generation and the factors that affect work-life balance to effectively provide welfare policy for different employees.



工作-生活平衡, 工作滿意, 留任意願, work-life balance, job satisfaction, intent to stay





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