
dc.contributorChen, Yu-Chuanen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Shr-Meien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究以一所臺北市立國中亮點計畫教師團隊為例,透過訪談和文件分析,探討教師領導應用於國中跨領域統整課程的脈絡與歷程,目的在了解國中教師與不同領域科別教師進行合作開發與執行跨領域統整課程之背景脈絡、具體歷程及成效與困境,以做為教師領導跨領域課程設計與教學創新等相關研究之參考。 根據個案研究的分析與發現,歸結出本研究的結論如下: 一、教學專業領導賦予教師領導之正當性 二、溝通分享促進交流與情感凝聚的支持 三、人格特質成為教師領導的內在趨力 四、教師領導需要內部條件支持 五、教師於專業學習社群互動中實踐分散式領導 基於研究發現,提出以下建議: 一、 對國中教師的建議: (一)主動瞭解自身權利義務,協助參與學校經營發展 (二)同儕合作提升專業成長,積極拓展自身多元能力 二、對國中學校行政主管的建議: (一)營造開放友善、共同學習的學校氛圍 (二)落實分散式領導,提供教師領導發展機會 三、對教育行政主管機關的建議: (一)提供教師多元在職培訓,增進教師領導知能 (二)明訂相關法令與獎勵,激勵教師參與領導 關鍵詞:教師領導、跨領域統整課程、臺北市國中亮點計畫zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe study took the junior high school brilliant project in Taipei City as an example to understand the context and the development of teacher leadership applied in interdisciplinary integrated curriculum through interviews and document analysis. The purpose of this study was to understand the context, development, achievements, and predicament of interdisciplinary integrated curriculum and collaborative development of implementation between teachers in different fields, and to have the study as a reference for related research concerning inter-disciplinary curriculum design and innovation Interdisciplinary Curriculum Design and Innovative Teaching led by teachers. According to the analysis and findings from the case study, the conclusions of this study are summarized as follows. First, the leadership of teaching professionals grants teachers the legitimacy of leadership. Second, communication and sharing promote the interaction and support of emotional connection between teachers. Third, personality traits have become the inner drive of teacher leadership. Fourth, teacher leadership needs the support from internal conditions. Fifth, teachers can practice distributed leadership through the interaction of PLC. Based on the findings of the study, the suggestions are as follows. A. The suggestions for junior high school teachers. a. Take the initiative to understand one’s own rights and responsibilities, and to assist the management and development in the school. b. Collaborate with peers to enhance professional development, and expand one’s multiple abilities positively. B. The suggestions for the executives in junior high schools. a. Create a friendly and co-learning atmosphere of the school. b. Implement distributed leadership, and provide the opportunities of development of teacher leadership. C. The suggestions for the educational administrative organizations. a. Provide teachers with diversified in-service training courses to improve the teacher leadership competency. b. Issue related decrees and rewards to encourage teachers to participate in leadership. Keywords: Teacher Leadership, Interdisciplinary Integrated Curriculum, Junior High School Brilliant Project in Taipei Cityen_US
dc.subjectTeacher Leadershipen_US
dc.subjectInterdisciplinary Integrated Curriculumen_US
dc.subjectJunior High School Brilliant Project in Taipei Cityen_US
dc.titleA Case Study Regarding the Application of Teacher Leadership in Interdisciplinary Integrated Curriculumen_US

