dc.contributor | 國立臺灣師範大學教育學系 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 王如哲 | zh_tw |
dc.contributor.author | 黃月純 | zh_tw |
dc.date.accessioned | 2014-12-02T06:35:03Z | |
dc.date.available | 2014-12-02T06:35:03Z | |
dc.date.issued | 2009-11-01 | zh_TW |
dc.description.abstract | 在現今快速變遷的社會環境中,大學扮演知識提供者的傳統角色已面臨挑戰, 自1980年代以來,從「封閉」至「開放」的知識體系之轉變,造成今日大學需要知 識管理,以便成功回應在知識社會中所需扮演的角色。影響所及,也引發國內外對 高等教育知識管理的關注與研究興趣。本文旨在探究我國大學校院知識管理的現 況,並有下述四項主要目的:一、瞭解我國大學校院的知識管理現況;二、瞭解我 國公私立大學校院知識管理的差異情形;三、瞭解我國大學校院的知識管理應用於 「研究」、「課程發展」,以及「學生與校友服務」的差異情形;四、對我國大學校 院知識管理提出具體的改進建議。為了達成前述之研究目的,本研究以我國現有之 58所公私立大學校院為研究對象進行普查。根據研究發現,歸納出下述三項結論: 一、我國大學校院知識管理以對學生與校友服務的應用較佳,最不理想者為課程發 展應用;二、我國公私立大學校院之間,知識管理應用項目有差異者占二分之一; 三、我國大學與學院之間,知識管理應用項目有差異者約占三分之一。最後提出三 項具體建議:一、我國大學校院宜強化知識管理在課程發展上的應用,並可透過跨 校合作予以強化;二、宜正視我國公私立大學校院知識管理應用的差異情形,並由 政府提供誘因,以鼓勵公私立大學校院之間的觀摩和分享活動;三、宜協助學院改 善知識管理相對不如大學之困境。 | zh_tw |
dc.description.abstract | Abstract In today’s rapidly changing society, the traditional missions of universities in creating and disseminating knowledge are being adapted consequently. In this process, universities need to enhance their knowledge management so as to effectively respond to the innovations such as the growth of learner centered knowledge and action learning, and the growing significance of work-related learning. The purposes of this research are: First, to understand the current state of knowledge management in universities and colleges in Taiwan; second, to understand the differences of the application of knowledge management to aspects of research, curriculum development, and service for students and alumni; third, to understand the differences of knowledge management among universities and colleges in Taiwan; fourth, to draw conclusions and make recommendations for enhancing knowledge management in universities and colleges in Taiwan. To achieve these purposes, a survey that focused on 58 universities and colleges was conducted. Based on the findings, three conclusions are drawn and three suggestions are made in the final section of this paper. | en_US |
dc.identifier | ntnulib_tp_A0107_01_033 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.issn | 1560-8298 | zh_TW |
dc.identifier.uri | http://rportal.lib.ntnu.edu.tw/handle/20.500.12235/38446 | |
dc.language | zh_TW | zh_TW |
dc.publisher | 國立暨南國際大學教育政策與行政研究所 | zh_tw |
dc.relation | 教育政策論壇,12(4),33-61。(TSSCI) | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 大學知識管理 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 知識管理 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | 高等教育 | zh_tw |
dc.subject.other | igher education� | en_US |
dc.subject.other | nowledge management� | en_US |
dc.subject.other | nowledge management in higher education | en_US |
dc.title | 我國大學校院知識管理現況之研究 | zh_tw |