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本研究的目的主要是在探討國中學生運動行為與其影響因子間的關係。研究母群體為民國八十九學年度第一學期就讀於宜蘭縣文化國民中學之全體學生,採分層集束抽樣法進行抽樣,依年級將學生分為三組,三組共抽出十一班,有效樣本共計368人。研究工具採結構式問卷,以團體自填問卷方式收集資料,施測時間為民國八十九年十一月二十日至二十六日。所得資料以描述性統計、單因子變異數分析、薛費氏事後檢定、卡方檢定、點二系列相關、Hotelling T2 test和邏輯斯迴歸等統計方法進行分析。重要結果歸納如下:
一、 研究對象本學期開學後有固定從事規律運動行為者(每週運動除體育課外至少三次且為中、重度以上的運動)佔21.5%,有規律運動的學生約佔全體學生之五分之一,主要所從事的運動項目前五名依序為騎自行車、籃球、羽毛球、跑步、爬樓梯。
二、 研究對象平均約擁有六種家庭運動器材與三項環境運動場所。
三、 研究對象在個人背景因素中,男生、有參與運動社團及自覺健康狀態好的學生其從事規律運動行為比率顯著高於女生、沒有參與運動社團或自覺健康狀態普通的學生;居家環境因素中,家庭運動器材越多的學生,其從事規律運動之比率越高。
四、 研究對象具有高度的知覺運動利益與運動享樂感,趨向中度的運動自我效能;運動社會支持中等偏高,其中朋友運動社會支持以陪伴一起運動較多、家人和老師以口頭運動社會支持居多;而自覺運動障礙得分偏低,顯示多數研究對象並不十分同意量表中所列之障礙因素。
五、 影響研究對象採取規律運動行為的重要因素中,知覺運動利益和運動享樂感越高、運動自我效能越大以及家人、朋友運動社會支持越多與知覺運動障礙越少,則採取規律運動行為的可能性越高,其中又以運動享樂感和運動自我效能影響最大。
六、 經邏輯回歸分析發現,可以有效預測國中學生從事規律運動行為的重要因素為性別、運動社團參與、家人運動社會支持和運動享樂感,其中尤其以性別影響最大。
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the regular exercise of high sxhool students and its consequence factors. By using a stratified cluster sampling method, 368 of valid samples were collected with a self-administrated questionaire. Described statistics , One-way ANOVA,Scheffe post hoc tests, chi-square test , Point-biserial correlation, Hotelling T2 Test and Logistic Regression were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that (1) 21.5% of subjects did regular exercise, the main types of exercise done by the students were bicycle riding, basketball playing, badminton playing, running and ladder-climing.(2) the subjects had six home exercise equipment and three emvironmental facilities of exercise. (3)the subjects in personsl background factor , male, particpated in exercise team and perceived health status students who did regular exercise behavior had higher percentage than female, who did not particpate in sport team or perceived general health status ; in the subjects had more home sport equipment the higher percentage students who dej the regular exercise. (4) the subjects sprot benefits and sport enjoyment in higher level , tend to middle self-efficacy for exercise , the exercise social support was in middle level ,the support from friends who exercise together and the support from family and teachers was in verbal; perceived barrier for exercise was in lower score, persented that the majority subjects did not agree the barrier for exercise in the questionaire. (5) the subjects perceived regular exercise behavior, the higher exercise benefits and exercise enjoyment, self-efficacy for exercise and the exercise social support from family, friends and less barrier for exercise who had more regular exercise behavior, perceived exercise enjoyment and self-efficacy for exercise impact the most. (6) Sex, sport team, exercise social surport from family , sport enjoyment were signigicant predictors of regular exercise behavior of regular exercise behavior, of them , sex was the most important predictor of regular exercise behavior.
The main purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the regular exercise of high sxhool students and its consequence factors. By using a stratified cluster sampling method, 368 of valid samples were collected with a self-administrated questionaire. Described statistics , One-way ANOVA,Scheffe post hoc tests, chi-square test , Point-biserial correlation, Hotelling T2 Test and Logistic Regression were used to analyze the data. The results indicated that (1) 21.5% of subjects did regular exercise, the main types of exercise done by the students were bicycle riding, basketball playing, badminton playing, running and ladder-climing.(2) the subjects had six home exercise equipment and three emvironmental facilities of exercise. (3)the subjects in personsl background factor , male, particpated in exercise team and perceived health status students who did regular exercise behavior had higher percentage than female, who did not particpate in sport team or perceived general health status ; in the subjects had more home sport equipment the higher percentage students who dej the regular exercise. (4) the subjects sprot benefits and sport enjoyment in higher level , tend to middle self-efficacy for exercise , the exercise social support was in middle level ,the support from friends who exercise together and the support from family and teachers was in verbal; perceived barrier for exercise was in lower score, persented that the majority subjects did not agree the barrier for exercise in the questionaire. (5) the subjects perceived regular exercise behavior, the higher exercise benefits and exercise enjoyment, self-efficacy for exercise and the exercise social support from family, friends and less barrier for exercise who had more regular exercise behavior, perceived exercise enjoyment and self-efficacy for exercise impact the most. (6) Sex, sport team, exercise social surport from family , sport enjoyment were signigicant predictors of regular exercise behavior of regular exercise behavior, of them , sex was the most important predictor of regular exercise behavior.
國中學生, 規律運動, 宜蘭縣文化國中