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本文探討的主題是日治時期的留學尼僧,所謂「留學尼僧」是指曾經到日本就讀佛教學校的尼僧,她們是臺灣歷史中第一批優秀的女性出家人。本論文根據限有史料、近人研究等初步整理出日治時期曾經到日本佛教學校學習的尼僧名單,並且針對留學尼僧赴日的時空背景及回臺發展作一探討。 日治時期,臺灣尼僧接受教育的管道來自參加講習會、或在尼僧道場學習,然而講習會舉行次數不多,且尼僧道場屬於草創時期,因此教育活動難以持續。日本的尼僧教育起步於明治時期,在日本統治臺灣以前,日本已有專門培養尼教師的佛教學校出現,因此臺灣的尼僧如要進一步深造佛學則可能選擇留學日本。 日治時期,臺灣約有二十多位尼僧曾經到日本學習,她們就讀「曹洞宗關西尼學林」,「淨土宗尼眾學校」、「私立駒澤大學」、「臨濟宗宗榮尼僧學林」等佛教學校。多屬於法雲寺派且隸屬寺院多來自新竹,此可由新竹的歷史背景與望族陳根傳夫人的佛教事業來探討,赴日年代集中於一九三○年代中期左右,這和臺灣佛教教育發展及佛教在此時代扮演的被動員的角色有所關聯,因此尼僧前往日本可能得到支援。 關於留學尼僧的出家背景與赴日學習內容,以勝光法師為探討中心,勝光法師從小在淨業院出家,其父母、家中的兄弟姊妹也多選擇出家。因日本僧侶和淨業院有所來往,加上個人對日本的嚮往決定赴日留學。勝光法師在日本學習共有八年多的時光,在「關西尼學林」學習五年半左右時間。後就讀「保母養成所」。 留學尼僧回臺發展,是本文最後要探討的問題,近半數左右尼僧選擇在臺灣繼續以「尼僧」身分弘揚佛法,回臺灣的尼僧一方面可能需要適應新的語言、文化,一方面必須在戰後民生困苦的環境整建寺院、各處辛勤募款、還有教化僧俗,以維持寺院的基本運作。關於留學尼僧如何在戰後的環境實踐理念及其對佛教的的影響等,本文以達超法師、如學法師、勝光法師的佛教事業作探討。 關鍵字:尼僧、尼僧教育、留學尼僧、勝光法師
The thesis introduces Buddhist nuns, who are the first group of people studied in Japan Buddhism schools during Japanese ruling period. The reason why they pursued further study in Japan, and their accomplishments in Taiwan are then further discussed. During this period, professioal training and education is scarce for Buddhist nuns, even they participated in seminars and activities in temples, so the Buddhist nuns sought to study in Japan, where Buddhist education had started since Meiji period. At that time, according to the author's best knowledge, there were twenty eight Buddhist nuns studying in Japan. They learned in Komazawa University, Caodong school, Pure Land school, respectively. Most of them came from Hsinchu temples, which belong to Fayun Chan Temple Branch. Which affected by Cheng Ju-lan wife’s efforts in buddism. Most of Buddist nunse go to Japan in the midum of 1930,which has some to do with their role and the development buddism education. Later, after they were back to Taiwan, half of them chose to be nuns throughout their life, and were struggling learning language, accommodating to culture, raising fund, building temple, and teaching Buddha dharma, in that difficult time. Finally, the master Dah Chiao、 the master Ju-Hsueh、the master Shan-Kwang is also discussed because of their influence to these Buddhist nuns' thought and achievemnets. This theis specifically addressed the master Xan-Kwang, who became a Buddhist nun in the Purity Temple in her early childhood. .Almost everyone in her family choose to become a nun. And, because of academic exchange between the temple and Japan, she then went to Japan and studied in Caodong school for five years and Japan kindergarten teacher training school one year. The experience in Japan brought great influence to her mind, and thus her life after World War II. Key word : Buddhist nuns、education of Buddhist nuns、Buddhist nuns studying abroad、the master Shan-Kwang



尼僧, 尼僧教育, 留學尼僧, 勝光法師, Buddhist nuns, education of Buddhist nuns, Buddhist nuns studying abroad, the master Shan-Kwang





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