Thinking hard together: The long and short of collaborative idea generation in scientific inquiry
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Wang, H. C.
Rose, C. P.
Cui, Y.
Chang, C. Y.
Huang, C. C.
Li, T. Y.
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Idea generation is a cognitive process that plays a central role in inquiry learning tasks.
This paper presents results from a controlled experiment in which we investigate the affect on
productivity and learning from doing idea generation tasks individually versus in pairs, with
versus without automatic support from a virtual brainstorming agent called VIBRANT. Our
finding is that individuals brainstorming with VIBRANT produced more ideas than individuals
who brainstormed with a human peer. However, an additional finding is that while brainstorming
in pairs lead to short term process losses in terms of idea generation, with a corresponding
reduction in learning in terms of pre to post test gains, it produced a productivity gain for a
subsequent distinct individual inquiry task. Furthermore, automatically generated feedback from
VIBRANT improved learning during idea generation but did not mitigate the process losses that
were associated with reduced learning in the pairs conditions.