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本研究旨在建構技術型高中學生自主學習指標系統之層面、向度及其細項指標;探討技術型高中學生指標系統各題項之重要程度及學生自我覺察實質表現;探析技術型高中學生指標系統與實證資料之信度效度,並以此為技術型高中學生自主學習實際規劃運作之有效參照工具。為達成上述目的,本研究方法藉文獻蒐集歸納整理後擬出指標樣本,進而採KJ法進行指標分類與重整,完成指標初構;進而,進行專家內容效度審議,並以此架構形成專家問卷與學生問卷;再而,進行專家意見評等法檢定重要性排序與共識性檢驗;最後,形成正式問卷進行實證研究。學生問卷採分層叢集抽樣對技術型高中15職群計2,085位學生,回收1,741份,問卷回收率83.50%,問卷回收有效問卷1,347份有效率77.37%,除進行問卷之信效度檢驗分析外,並以描述性統計、t 檢定、單因子變異數分析進行統計分析。本研究結論包括: (1) 技術型高中學生自主學習指標系統包含四個層面、15個向度與74個細目指標; (2) 技術型高中學生自主學習指標系統層面、向度之重要程度皆高; (3) 技術型高中學生自主學習指標系統具有良好的信度與效度; (4) 在差異分析中,學生個人背景在性別、證照考取、技能競賽、參賽獲獎經驗等四個因子,與自主學習指標系統上有顯著性的差異。最後,本研究針對技術高中活動規劃、教師教學及學生學習,以及未來研究等方面提出具體建議。
This study aimed to construct the autonomous learning indicators for vocational school students to explore the importance of the autonomous learning indicators, the self-awareness, and also analysis the reliability and validity of the collected data. To achieve the above purpose, the study collected and organized related literatures from different fields, and a preliminary model for autonomous learning indicators would be constructed through KJ method, and the KJ method would be used to categorize and reorganize the indicators. Then, reviewed the grading method of experts to form a questionnaire of experts and students. Furthermore, conduct an expert opinion rating method to verify the importance ranking and consensus test. Lastly, the finalized questionnaires were distributed by 2,085 vocational school students in 15 career clusters by stratifies cluster sampling with 1,741 questionnaires returned which showed a return rate of 83.50%. Among the returned questionnaires, 1,347 were valid with the validity rate of 77.37%. Aside from the validity test for the questionnaire, the data was analyzed with descriptive statists, t-test and one-way ANOVA to understand how the vocational school students learned autonomously. The conclusions of this research are as follows: First, the framework of technical high school autonomous learning indicators included four levels and 15 dimensions and 74 indicators. Secondly, the autonomous learning indicators for vocational school students had high ranking of the importance. Third, the questionnaire of the autonomous learning indicators for vocational school students had premium assessment reliability and validity. Fourth, it had significant differences among students’ gender, license acquisition, competition participation, and competition winning experience. Finally, this study gave some recommendations for technical high school’s learning activities, teaching and learning method, and some research questions for the future study.



技術型高中, 自主學習, 自主學習指標, 指標建構, KJ法, technical high school, autonomy learning, autonomy learning indicator, indices construction, KJ Method





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