
dc.contributorKuo, Ching-Chihen_US
dc.contributor.authorHuang, Li-Weien_US
dc.description.abstract本研究採立意搭配滾雪球取樣,探詢6位曾獲全國心智障礙者繪畫比賽,或一般縣市政府舉辦美術創作比賽、民間機構舉辦之繪畫比賽獎項,且智力高於70以上之混齡自閉症為研究對象,以多重個案研究法,透過訪談、美術專家評定、美術特質量表、魏氏兒童智力測驗、觀察紀錄和作品檔案資料,了解自閉症美術潛能優異者於學習特質、美術表現特質,以及家庭和學校教育輔導的需求。 本研究綜合6位自閉症美術潛能優異者及其師長的意見,歸納學習特質包含:「生理特質」、「認知特質」、「情意特質」與「社會技巧」;美術表現特質涵蓋: 「行為表現」、「美術結構」、「美術主題」、「美術技巧」、「美術情意」;最後探討「家庭」與「學校」之教育輔導需求。研究結果如下: 學習特質方面,在生理上,本研究之學生參與者,其視覺是優勢的學習管道,其他感官有過度敏感的現象,大多數的學生粗大和精細動作待加強,上述能力影響到工作速度;在認知上,本研究學生參與者在魏氏兒童智力測驗的智商分佈廣泛,「智力平均以上者,個體內在能力落差大」,「知覺推理」是共同的優勢,圖像記憶能力佳,對於特定的興趣有高度專注力,也具備問題解決能力;在情意上,本研究學生參與者認定自己的人格特質偏負向,情緒發展雖會隨年齡成長,但是整體的情緒成熟度仍稍落後於同儕,容易誤判情緒,難以理解和覺察情緒,遇到困境多以逃避或發洩的方式調適;在社會技巧上,本研究學生參與者溝通理解和表達的能力待加強,人際互動較為被動,容易陷入自我否定,需要時間適應社會。 美術表現特質方面,大部分學生研究參與者行為表現上早期即展現美術潛力,非常專注於創作,創作方面具有可塑性;美術結構上,下筆流暢,用色獨特,喜歡色彩的視覺回饋,透視法和空間感佳,具有創造力;美術主題上相當多元且具個人特色,有仿畫、自創或圖文創作,各時期創作的主題各異,家中和學校情境會展現出兩種不同的創作風格,有時候會依循固定的規則創作,呈現一系列作品;美術技巧上雖對特定媒材有偏好,但仍樂意嘗試新媒材,喜歡媒材創作的動覺回饋,若精細動作不佳可能會影響創作技巧;美術情意上,會透過創作表現情緒想法、抒發壓力,藝術欣賞停留於表像,對美術有持續的興趣,但是並不是唯一的興趣。 家庭教育輔導需求方面,本研究參與者之家庭成員若都能夠正向教導與陪伴,積極尋求資源培養優勢能力,並有堅定且多元的管教技巧,對學生有正面幫助。學校教育輔導方面,因學校資源與經費有限,要培養美術優勢才能,只能盡量融入課程中或是提供比賽機會,學校教育制度應更符合個別化需求,並提升教師相關專業,讓學生享有更多元的專業技巧和諮商輔導服務。 最後研究者提出了相關建議,以提供教育機關、學校行政、自閉症美術潛能優異學生、家長及後續研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this qualitative multiple case study was to explore the learning characteristics, characteristics in visual arts performance, and educational needs within school and family of potentially artistically talented students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). Purposive sampling was used in this study; subjects were six students who have been diagnosed with ASD, received a Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children (WISC) score greater than 70, and won the prizes at art competitions. Instruments were Characteristic Checklist of Students with Special Needs, Characteristic Checklist of Artistically Talented, WISC, professional evaluations, interview outline, observation activities, and portfolio assessment. In this study, learning characteristics were classified into four major categories: physiological, cognitive, affective, and social. Visual thinking was strength for our study group. They were high in sensual over-excitability. Most of them tended to focus on details rather than the whole picture, and they were not very meticulous that demonstrated their marked deficits in processing speed. Cognitive behaviors in this study included a wide range of WISC scores. The participants shared a common strength in perceptual reasoning, had near-photographic memory, focused intensely on a special interest and demonstrated effective problem solving. Regarding the affective responses, the participants in this study tended to view themselves negatively. Emotional maturity was expected to grow with their chronological age, but their emotional maturity in fact was behind that of age peers. They found more difficulty interpreting others emotions and feelings, and easily released or escaped from difficult tasks or other aversive situations. The improvement of social skills was often a focus of instruction for the students with ASD, and the six participants in this study were no exception. They were typically engaged in passive interactions remain isolated, and so, it is necessary to help the autistic participants to learn appropriate communication skills. Characteristics in visual arts performance in this study were classified into five major categories: behavior, art structure, art theme, art skill, and art affection. Most participants showed artistic talent from an early age and focused intensively on their creation of art. Fluid structure and unique colors were found in their artwork. The colors provided visual feedback, good visual and spatial perspectives made the artwork unique. There has been considerable multiple themes representing personal characteristics in their artwork, with the themes and art structure in different time periods and places. The study showed the students’ preferences for using certain art materials. Some of them may try to use new materials but poor motor skills might hinder creativity. Arts allowed the students to express ideas, release their emotions, and start appreciation for art. They kept interests in arts but it is not the sole interest. When it comes to the educational needs of potentially artistically talented students with ASD, positive family and school supports played essential role in helping them to perform better. Family could provide support by accompanying, focusing on strengths, and providing flexible tutoring. School support included but not limited to adapt curriculum to meet every student’s individual learning needs and provide rich opportunities for teachers to develop and enhance their professional knowledge, practice, and consultation. The above findings provided an important reference for educational institutions, schools, potentially artistically talented students with ASD and their parents. It is also expected that this study can contribute to future work in the field of autism and twice-exceptional.en_US
dc.subjectAutism Spectrum Disordersen_US
dc.subjectlearning traitsen_US
dc.subjectvisual arts talentsen_US
dc.subjecteducational needsen_US
dc.subjecttalent developmenten_US
dc.subjectartistically talenteden_US
dc.titleAn Analysis of Learning Traits and Educational Needs for Potentially Art-talented with Autism Spectrum Disordersen_US


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