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The propose of this study is to examine the consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt, and the moderating effect of nutrition knowledge. First, literature review was conducted to review the important attributes for consumers. Second, focus group methodology was conducted for comfirm the important attributes and levels. Orthogonal designed the products. Conjoint analysis was used to find out consumers’ preference. Literature review was used to find out suit question about nutrition knowledge; pretest was used to remove the questions which discrimination degrees were under 0.4. The data were collected by using paper questionnaire. Partticipants were adult and randomly recruited at eight universities. The questionnaires are deliberated 400 and valid questionnaires are 270. All analyses were performed using SPSS 22.0, descriptive statistics, conjoint analysis, custer analysis, Multi-way multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze data. The result is as folloing: 1. The important drinking yogurt attributes to all sampled in an ascending order are: flavor, price, adding sugar or not, healthy food certification label, health claim. 2. There were significant differences in different segment consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt. 3. There were significant differences in different nutrition knowledge level consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt. 4. There were significant differences in different job consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt. 5. There were no significant in the three factor interaction. Key words: drinking yogurt, nutrition knowledge, conjoint analysis
The propose of this study is to examine the consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt, and the moderating effect of nutrition knowledge. First, literature review was conducted to review the important attributes for consumers. Second, focus group methodology was conducted for comfirm the important attributes and levels. Orthogonal designed the products. Conjoint analysis was used to find out consumers’ preference. Literature review was used to find out suit question about nutrition knowledge; pretest was used to remove the questions which discrimination degrees were under 0.4. The data were collected by using paper questionnaire. Partticipants were adult and randomly recruited at eight universities. The questionnaires are deliberated 400 and valid questionnaires are 270. All analyses were performed using SPSS 22.0, descriptive statistics, conjoint analysis, custer analysis, Multi-way multivariate analysis of variance was used to analyze data. The result is as folloing: 1. The important drinking yogurt attributes to all sampled in an ascending order are: flavor, price, adding sugar or not, healthy food certification label, health claim. 2. There were significant differences in different segment consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt. 3. There were significant differences in different nutrition knowledge level consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt. 4. There were significant differences in different job consumers’ preference of drinking yogurt. 5. There were no significant in the three factor interaction. Key words: drinking yogurt, nutrition knowledge, conjoint analysis
優酪乳, 營養知識, 聯合分析法, drinking yogurt, nutrition knowledge, conjoint analysis