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瑪德蓮娜.德林(Madeleine Winefride Isabelle Dring, 1923-1977)為二十世紀英國女作曲家,同時也是優秀的歌者、演員及鋼琴家,一生創作了約六十首藝術歌曲。其歌曲融合許多元素,如爵士樂(Jazz)、華爾滋(Waltz),有獨特的風格。 本論文探討作曲家的兩組藝術歌曲《愛與時間》(Love and Time, 1970)和《五首貝杰曼歌曲》(Five Betjeman Songs, 1976)。兩組之詩詞創作年代相差甚遠,前組採用三位十七世紀詩人之作:其中一位為佚名詩人,另兩位則為約翰‧德萊頓(John Dryden, 1631-1700)和約翰‧謝菲爾德(John Sheffield, 1649-1720);後組則為二十世紀同名詩人之作。 由此兩組作品中,可以發現德林配合了詩詞的創作年代與題材,採用了不同的作曲手法。第一組共有四首歌曲,詩詞創作年代較早,使用了中世紀奧干農及教會調式;主題皆圍繞於愛情舉世皆然的不同面向以及戀人的內心情感,因此除第三首之外,其餘三首前奏皆以相同之主題動機串聯,具統一性。 第二組共有五首歌曲,詩詞創作年代較晚,於第二首〈酒吧老闆娘之歌〉中使用了爵士樂的元素;主題包括英國海灣景色、酒吧文化、宗教、鄉鎮景緻以及對於二十世紀女性的價值與思想,因此不使用相同主題動機串聯,而是每首使用不同的創作手法呈現。 筆者探討這兩組歌曲的創作手法以及風格,以期能使演唱以及詮釋這兩組歌曲的歌者能有所依循,並更加理解作曲家的意念及情感。
Madeleine Winefride Isabelle Dring (1923-1977) is a 20th century British women composer, an outstanding singer, actress, and a pianist, who composed about 60 art songs in her lifetime. Her songs are unique in style for its integration of various elements, such as Jazz and Waltz. This study analyzes the composer’s two cycles of songs, Love and Time (1970) and Five Betjeman Songs (1976). There is great time difference in between the years the poems of these two cycles were written. Lyrics of the first cycle is made up of poems by three 17th century poets: an anonymous poet, John Dryden, and John Sheffield, while the second cycle of poetry came from poets of the 20th century. From these two cycles, we find that Dring uses different compositional techniques to connect the year and theme of the poems. The four songs in the first cycle and they were written earlier. Medieval model and organum are used as its compositional material; all themes are about the different aspects of love and the inner feelings between lovers. Therefore, other than the third song, the other three runs the same theme motive in the prelude. There are five songs in the second cycle, which came later in time. Dring added elements of jazz Song of a Nightclub Proprietres with a wide variety of themes, from the bay scenery in England, bar culture, religions, country view, to the value and thoughts of women in the 20th century. Thus, the composer uses different compositional technique in each song. This study discusses the compositional techniques and style in the two cycles of songs, with a view to helping the singer perform and interpret these two cycles of songs, and further understand the thoughts and affections of the composers.



女性作曲家, 瑪德蓮娜‧德林, 藝術歌曲, 愛與時間, 五首貝杰曼歌曲, Women Composers, Madeleine Dring, Art Song, Love and Time, Five Betjeman Songs





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