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共享教材物件參考模式 (SCORM) 是目前國內外建立數位學習系統及學習物件普遍被採用的規範。SCORM將學習物件分為素材 (Asset)、學習單元 (Sharable Content Object) 及教材 (Content Aggregation) 三種,若學習教材能符合SCORM規範,則可在不同的教學管理系統交換;若將素材及單元分別描述並儲存於資料庫中,則可使於教學者利用素材或學習單元,並依據不同的教學目標重新組織教材。本文主要目的乃在介紹 SCORM 之精神,及在 SCORM 中所採用的學習物件詮釋資料 (LOM) 。此外,也說明本研究為僑委會將網頁教材轉為符合 SCORM 規範教材的作法及心得。
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is the most generally adopted standard for electronic learning system. In this standard, a learning object is divided into three parts: asset, sharable content object (SCO) and content aggregation (CA). Learning objects can be exchanged and shared if they meet the requirement of SCORM standard. Teachers can use the asset or SCO to reassemble them into a course. The purpose of this article aims to introduce SCORM and Learning Object Metadata (LOM). We also explain how we transformed web courses of Overseas Chinese Affair Commission to SCORM learning objects.
Sharable Content Object Reference Model (SCORM) is the most generally adopted standard for electronic learning system. In this standard, a learning object is divided into three parts: asset, sharable content object (SCO) and content aggregation (CA). Learning objects can be exchanged and shared if they meet the requirement of SCORM standard. Teachers can use the asset or SCO to reassemble them into a course. The purpose of this article aims to introduce SCORM and Learning Object Metadata (LOM). We also explain how we transformed web courses of Overseas Chinese Affair Commission to SCORM learning objects.