
dc.contributorKuo Ching Chihen_US
dc.contributor.authorYen Shih Chiaen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討國小一般智能資優學生的學習需求,以及接受資優教育學習之滿意情形,並瞭解不同性別、區域、年級資優學生的學習需求及接受資優教育學習滿意度之差異情形。 本研究對象選取北區(臺北市、新北市)、中區(臺中市、彰化縣)、南區(臺南市、高雄市)102學年度安置於國小一般智能資優資源班之四、五、六年級學生共計805人,以問卷調查的方式,使用自編問卷「國小資優學生學習需求調查」及國外量表My Class Activities翻譯成中文並實施預試,編製成「我的班級活動」問卷,進行資料蒐集,所得數據結果再以平均數、標準差、百分比、t考驗及單因子變異數分析(One-way ANOVA)等統計方法進行分析。本研究主要結果如下: 一、國小資優學生對學習內容、歷程、環境及結果之需求持「很需要」的看法。在四個向度中,得分平均由高至低分別為「學習結果」、「學習環境」、「學習歷程」、「學習內容」。 二、國小資優學生的學習需求,前十大需求依序是「能有動手實驗或操作的機會」、「能提供各種校外教學活動」、「課程內容是新奇的」、「資訊設備是良好的」、「上課氣氛是幽默有趣的」、「學習內容多元、不單調」、「上課環境是友善尊重的」、「圖書設備或教具是充足的」、「資優班的學習是有助於我成長的」、「能學習創造力」。 三、女性資優學生在學習需求的「學習歷程」、「學習環境」及「學習結果」上顯著高於男性資優學生;不同區域部分,資優學生在學習需求各向度無顯著差異;不同年級部分,「學習歷程」向度四年級資優學生顯著高於六年級資優學生,「學習結果」向度四年級顯著高於五、六年級,五年級亦顯著高於六年級。 四、國小資優學生對於資優教育學習的滿意情形是良好的,整體平均得分屬於同意階段,平均由高至低為「愉悅感」、「興趣」、「選擇」、「挑戰」。 五、不同性別資優學生對於資優教育學習的滿意程度無顯著差異;區域部分,「挑戰」向度上南區顯著高於北區及中區,其餘向度無顯著差異;不同年級部分,「興趣」和「挑戰」向度上四、五年級顯著高於六年級,「選擇」向度四年級顯著高於五、六年級,「愉悅感」向度四年級顯著高於五、六年級,五年級亦顯著高於六年級,顯示隨著年級越高,得分顯著降低。 研究者根據研究結果,提出若干建議,供教育行政機關、學校單位、資優班教師及未來研究之參考。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe purpose of this study is to explore the learning needs of elementary gifted students, , as well as acceptance of Learning Satisfaction to resource program, and to understand different gender, region, grades gifted students' learning needs and acceptance of Gifted Education Learning Satisfaction circumstances. The study selected students from northern Taiwan (Taipei, New Taipei City), central Taiwan (Taichung City, Changhua County), and southern Taiwan (Tainan City, Kaohsiung City) whom had been placed in the general intelligence gifted resource room in elementary school from grade 4 to 6, totaling 805 people. Using questionnaire survey "gifted student learning needs survey" and a Chinese translation version of a foreign scale called “My Class Activities” to collect data. Then the data results will be processed according to its mean, standard deviation, percent, t-test and one-way ANOVA statistical methods for analysis. The main results of this study are as follows: 1. Gifted students held a “necessary” view for learning content, learning process, learning environment and learning outcomes. In four dimensions, the average scores high to low were “learning outcomes”, “learning environment”, “learning process” and “learning content”. 2. The elementary school gifted students' top ten learning needs were, “to have a hands-on opportunity to experiment or operation”, “teachers or schools can provide a variety of extracurricular educational activities”, “courses content to be novel”, “technology equipmenxt is well-prepared”, “class atmosphere is humorous”, “learning content is diversified, not monotonous”, “school environment is friendly and respectful”, “books or teaching aids are adequate”, “teaching content in here helps me grow up” and “teaching content inspires my creativity”. 3. Female gifted students scored significantly higher than male students in “learning process”, “learning environment” and “learning outcomes” of learning needs. The learning needs were no significant difference in all dimensions; In the part of different grades, “learning process” dimension of the fourth grade gifted students scored significantly higher than the sixth grade gifted students, in “learning outcomes” dimension of the fourth grade scored significantly higher than fifth and sixth grade, and fifth grade also scored significantly higher than the sixth grade. 4. The suervy showed a high learning satisfaction from gifted students in elementary school, and the overall average score was “agree” level, from high to low were “pleasure”, “interested”, “choice” and “challenge”. 5. There was no significant difference when it comes to survey in different gender gifted students. In different regions, the “challenge” dimension, southern gifted students scored significantly higher than those in the north and central. As for the “interest” and “challenge” dimensions, fourth and fifth graders scored significantly higher than the sixth graders; “choice” dimension of the fourth graders scored significantly higher than fifth and sixth grade, “pleasure” dimension of the fourth grade scored significantly higher than fifth and sixth grade, and fifth-graders also scored significantly higher than the sixth graders. It showed that the scores reduced with their age. Practical suggestions for the authorities, administrators, teachers and future researchers will be provided based on the findings.en_US
dc.subjectlearning needsen_US
dc.subjectlearning satisfactionen_US
dc.subjectgifted studentsen_US
dc.subjectgifted resource roomen_US
dc.titleA Survey Study on the Learning Needs and Learning Satisfaction of Elementary Gifted Students to Resource Programen_US


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