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公部門大力推動公務人員數位學習,而數位學習需善用科技方能相得益彰,所以公務人員運用數位學習的科技接受模式及其相關變項亟待探究。本研究目的在了解公務人員數位學習的科技接受模式,以及科技接受模式與相關變項包含學習風格、課程設計和人口變項之間的關係。自2009年12月至2010年3月間,本研究以e等公務園網站所提供的三個類別六門數位的課程,進行文獻探討和問卷調查蒐集資料,施予科技接受模式、學習風格及人口變項等問卷,共回收有效問卷767份。本研究獲致如下結論:(1)公務人員運用數位學習的科技接受模式含有「知覺有用性」、「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」、「使用態度」及「行為意向」四個變項;「知覺有用性」、「知覺易用性」及「使用態度」對公務人員數位學習「行為意向」有直接正向關係。(2)在各變項間「知覺易用性」影響「知覺有用性」,「知覺有用性」與「知覺易用性」影響「使用態度」,「知覺有用性」影響「行為意向」,「使用態度」影響「行為意向」,但「知覺有用性」及「使用態度」在「知覺易用性」與「行為意向」間具有中介效果。(3)前述四個變項經模式逐步推導後,發現與Davis、Bagozzi 和 Warshaw(1989)的科技接受模式理論相符,可知科技接受模式除可應用於企業界外,尚可應用於公部門的數位學習。(4)公務人員科技接受的模式未因「學習風格」、「課程類別」、「課程呈現別」、「性別」、「官職等」、「教育程度」和「電腦使用經驗」等變項不同而有差異。(5)公務人員的科技接受模式因「數位學習經驗」不同而有差異,尤其在「知覺有用性與使用態度」及「使用態度與行為意向」二者之間有差異,宜對三年以下者給予較多有用性資源、課程或關懷。(6) 公務人員數位學習的學習風格趨向發散者,而且科技接受模式又無專題演講與Flash互動式課程呈現別的差異,可考量專題演講或多元的呈現方式,無需拘泥於Flash互動式呈現。
In recent years, the government of Taiwan has encouraged public servants to further develop their competencies through e-learning. Because e-learning is made possible through a variety of information technologies, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) can be used to study the public servants’ learning performance and the factors related to their technology adoption. For this study, six courses within three categories, offered by the Civil Service Development Institute, were selected. Relevant data were collected from December 2009 to March 2010 through literature review and questionnaire survey. The questionnaires were designed to measure key variables of TAM, learning styles, curriculum design, and demographics information. A total of 767 valid questionnaires were used in multi-group comparison SEM statistic. The results of the study revealed the following: (1) The TAM showed perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, attitudes toward using, and behavioral intention to use in civil service personnel e-learning. (2) Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and attitudes toward using have a direct positive relationship to behavioral intention to use, but both perceived usefulness and attitudes toward using have mediating effects between perceived ease of use and behavioral intention to use. (3) The TAM is generally applicable in the context of public servant e-learning. (4) Learning style, e-learning presentation, type of course, gender, job grade, education level, and computer using experience have no significant impact on civil service personnel’s technology acceptance. (5) There are particular differences between “perceived usefulness and attitudes toward using” and “attitudes toward using and behavioral intention to use” caused by e-learning experience. There are more resources, courses or concern of perceived usefulness for the three years or less. (6) Differences between the technological media of lecturing and Flash-format do not affect civil service personnel’s learning behavior and perspective. Since civil service personnel characteristics are diverter, this study suggests that course design can consider lecturing or other presentation modes instead of being limited to Flash-format materials.



公務人員數位學習, 科技接受模式, 學習風格, civil service personnel e-learning, technology acceptance model(TAM), learning style





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