本研究旨在探究台灣區二十縣市(北、高兩市及離島地區除外)國民中學校長對工作壓力與因應策略之現況,以及對工作壓力與因應策略之相關性情形如何。首先以文獻探討方式,闡述國中校長工作壓力和因應策略的意義、理論及其相關之研究。其次,本研究藉自編之「國民中學校長工作壓力與因應策略調查問卷」進行問卷調查,研究者以「分層配額抽樣」(stratified quota sampling)的方法抽取340位國民中學校長為研究對象,並將所得資料以描述統計、獨立樣本t檢定(t-test)、單因子變異數分析(one-way ANOVA)、雪費法事後檢定(Scheffe’s method)及積差相關等統計方法進行分析與討論。
The purpose of this research was to study the present situation of the job stress and its coping strategy.and the interrelationship between them of junior high school principals in twenty counties in Taiwan area—except those in Taipei City, Kaohsiung City and Penhu County. First, through document research, the researcher tried to explain the meanings and theories of the job stress and its coping strategy of junior high school principals as well as the relating researches. Secondly, the researcher himself made ”The Questionnaire on Job Stress and its Coping Strategy of Junior High School” to make the survey. Stratified quota sampling was adopted in this research and 340 junior high school principals were sampled as the subjects. After questionnaire survey, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method ,and Person’s product-moment correlation were applied to analyze the data. The research findings were as following: 1. The level of the perception of job stress was middle to low for junior high school principals. 2. Most of the junior high school principals could apply appropriate coping strategy to their job stress. 3. In the aspect of job stress, “stress from inside institutions” annoyed the principals the most. 4. In the aspect of stress coping strategy, “rational thinking” model was applied the most. 5. The entire“Job stress” and the entire “stress coping strategy” did not achieve apparent and positive relationship. The suggestions of this research are: 1. Educational authorities should distribute each principal’s workload equally, decrease their workload except to develop school affairs, review the welfare system of school staffs, and accelerate the study and modification of the norms of school affairs. 2. Junior high principals should proceed professional development, establish well human relationship and public relationship, and apply all kinds of stress coping strategy. 3. The future researchers will enlarge the sample size and adopt qualitative and quantitative research method at the same time.
The purpose of this research was to study the present situation of the job stress and its coping strategy.and the interrelationship between them of junior high school principals in twenty counties in Taiwan area—except those in Taipei City, Kaohsiung City and Penhu County. First, through document research, the researcher tried to explain the meanings and theories of the job stress and its coping strategy of junior high school principals as well as the relating researches. Secondly, the researcher himself made ”The Questionnaire on Job Stress and its Coping Strategy of Junior High School” to make the survey. Stratified quota sampling was adopted in this research and 340 junior high school principals were sampled as the subjects. After questionnaire survey, t-test, one-way ANOVA, Scheffe’s method ,and Person’s product-moment correlation were applied to analyze the data. The research findings were as following: 1. The level of the perception of job stress was middle to low for junior high school principals. 2. Most of the junior high school principals could apply appropriate coping strategy to their job stress. 3. In the aspect of job stress, “stress from inside institutions” annoyed the principals the most. 4. In the aspect of stress coping strategy, “rational thinking” model was applied the most. 5. The entire“Job stress” and the entire “stress coping strategy” did not achieve apparent and positive relationship. The suggestions of this research are: 1. Educational authorities should distribute each principal’s workload equally, decrease their workload except to develop school affairs, review the welfare system of school staffs, and accelerate the study and modification of the norms of school affairs. 2. Junior high principals should proceed professional development, establish well human relationship and public relationship, and apply all kinds of stress coping strategy. 3. The future researchers will enlarge the sample size and adopt qualitative and quantitative research method at the same time.
國民中學校長, 工作壓力, 因應策略, Junior high school principals, Job stress, Coping strategy