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本論文旨在探討翻譯的附文本元素及其功能的研究。我將深入探討,附文本的功能特徵有助於提倡帶政治意圖的觀念。在當今研究的脈絡中,多數翻譯學派的研究皆是將政治干預主義和附文本區別開來,而探討政治干預主義及其附文本特徵的相互作用的研究卻相對較少。這項研究將探討夏洛特-羅奇的德國暢銷書《 潮濕地帶》的中文及英文譯本。這本女性主義小說因為力求挑戰與女性身體有關的主流觀點包含社會闡述的負面女身材形象及女性的性解放. 本研究將剖析附文本的角色和功能,進而分析作者如何運用附文本的特徵塑造該文化的普世價值,更進一步以確保不僅在商業上,且在政治干預主義上成功的宣傳。最後,為了能夠多瞭解,某一個目標文化中翻譯作品的描述及讀者的反應,這碩士論文呼籲翻譯脈絡的學者進行進一步附文本和其政治干預主義性功能的相關研究。熱拉爾‧熱奈特(Gerard Genette)和米舒·傅柯(Paul-Michel Foucault)對超文本和作者使用附文本的研究是本研究的理論基礎。
This thesis is concerned with the study of paratextual elements accompanying translated works and their functions. I shall argue that paratext lends itself to the promotion of political ideas by appropriating cultural and ideological norms in the target culture. While some schools of thought in the academic translation studies discourse have dedicated a considerable amount of research to the translator's role as a political interventionist and paratextual study respectively, relatively little research has been conducted on the interplay of politically interventionist translation and its paratextual features. This research seeks to explore how peritext and epitext are used in the promotion of English and Chinese translations of the German bestseller Wetlands, a feminist novel by Charlotte Roche, that has sought to challenge mainstream views pertaining to the female body including negative body image and women's sexuality, and will argue that cultural and ideological norms related to women’s sexuality are adjusted according to the trending norms of the target culture. The present study provides an in-depth analysis of how the authorial image is shaped by means of paratextual elements and furthermore, how paratextual elements are appropriated and censored in a manner that supports and complies with the current Zeitgeist and ideology of a given target culture at the time of publication, in order to ensure their successful promotion not only on a commercial, but also on an ideological level. First and foremost, further research into supplementary paratexts of translations and their ideological functions can provide useful information regarding how translated works are portrayed and received by the consumers of the target culture. Gerard Genette’s and Paul-Michel Foucault’s research on the paratext and authorial function will provide the theoretical basis for this study.
This thesis is concerned with the study of paratextual elements accompanying translated works and their functions. I shall argue that paratext lends itself to the promotion of political ideas by appropriating cultural and ideological norms in the target culture. While some schools of thought in the academic translation studies discourse have dedicated a considerable amount of research to the translator's role as a political interventionist and paratextual study respectively, relatively little research has been conducted on the interplay of politically interventionist translation and its paratextual features. This research seeks to explore how peritext and epitext are used in the promotion of English and Chinese translations of the German bestseller Wetlands, a feminist novel by Charlotte Roche, that has sought to challenge mainstream views pertaining to the female body including negative body image and women's sexuality, and will argue that cultural and ideological norms related to women’s sexuality are adjusted according to the trending norms of the target culture. The present study provides an in-depth analysis of how the authorial image is shaped by means of paratextual elements and furthermore, how paratextual elements are appropriated and censored in a manner that supports and complies with the current Zeitgeist and ideology of a given target culture at the time of publication, in order to ensure their successful promotion not only on a commercial, but also on an ideological level. First and foremost, further research into supplementary paratexts of translations and their ideological functions can provide useful information regarding how translated works are portrayed and received by the consumers of the target culture. Gerard Genette’s and Paul-Michel Foucault’s research on the paratext and authorial function will provide the theoretical basis for this study.
附文本, 內文本, 外文本, 潮濕地帶, 女性主義, 跨文化交際, paratext, peritext, epitext, Wetlands, feminism, cross-cultural communication