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本研究主要針對鈦合金經過雷射銲接後,實施後續的熱處理。探討鈦合金銲件經過熱處理之後,其機械性質的改變。實驗用的材料為Ti-6Al-4V鈦合金,材料厚度為1.2mm,銲接方式則採用300W之Nd : YAG雷射,採取不添加任何填料的對接方式。銲接過後,再實施不同熱處理實驗。熱處理分別為退火處理(705℃/恆溫2小時/爐冷)及固溶(955℃/恆溫15分鐘/水淬)加時效處理(530℃/恆溫4小時/空冷)兩種,來進行熱處理實驗。
2、針對延伸率而言,經退火處理後的延伸率與原銲件相差不大,差了 0.1%;但是經過固溶加時效處理的延伸率則會大幅下降,從10.7%下降至1.3%,差了9.4%。
The research mainly aims for the mechanical properties changes of titanium alloy which was welded by laser after heat treatment. Ti-6Al-4V, possesses thickness of 1.2mm, was selected for welding without the use of filler material. After welded by 300W Nd:YAG laser, Ti-6Al-4V proceeds respectively in two different kind of heat treatment:ANN(705℃/2hrs/FC)and S.T.(955℃/15min/WQ)+A.A.(530℃/4hr/AC). We know several conclusions from the experiment results: 1、After heat treatment of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy welded, the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength are increasing. 2、After ANN, the elongation of Ti-6Al-4V welded is 10.7%, it’s not different to the weldment of no heat treatment. But after S.T.+A.A., the elongation of weldment is decreased from 10.7% to 1.3%. 3、The Ti-6Al-4V welded and the Ti-6Al-4V welded after ANN are present the feature of ductility fracture. But the welded after S.T.+A.A. is tend to brittle fracture. 4、By vickes hardness test, the hardness of FZ is highest and HAZ is lowest, after S.T.+A.A. and ANN, the hardness will promoted.
The research mainly aims for the mechanical properties changes of titanium alloy which was welded by laser after heat treatment. Ti-6Al-4V, possesses thickness of 1.2mm, was selected for welding without the use of filler material. After welded by 300W Nd:YAG laser, Ti-6Al-4V proceeds respectively in two different kind of heat treatment:ANN(705℃/2hrs/FC)and S.T.(955℃/15min/WQ)+A.A.(530℃/4hr/AC). We know several conclusions from the experiment results: 1、After heat treatment of Ti-6Al-4V titanium alloy welded, the ultimate tensile strength and yield strength are increasing. 2、After ANN, the elongation of Ti-6Al-4V welded is 10.7%, it’s not different to the weldment of no heat treatment. But after S.T.+A.A., the elongation of weldment is decreased from 10.7% to 1.3%. 3、The Ti-6Al-4V welded and the Ti-6Al-4V welded after ANN are present the feature of ductility fracture. But the welded after S.T.+A.A. is tend to brittle fracture. 4、By vickes hardness test, the hardness of FZ is highest and HAZ is lowest, after S.T.+A.A. and ANN, the hardness will promoted.
Ti-6Al-4V, 鈦合金熱處理, 退火處理, 固溶加時效處理, Nd:YAG, Ti-6Al-4V, Heat treatment of titanium alloy, Annealing treatment, Melting add the aging treatment, Nd:YAG