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本研究旨在瞭解新北市國中技藝教育社團學生學習滿意度與生涯發展認知的實施現況,以及分析不同背景變項的技藝教育社團學生在學習滿意度及生涯發展認知上的差異情形。 本研究旨採用問卷調查法,先由閱讀、歸納、整理相關文獻,以建立研究之理論架構,再以新北市個案國中105學年度參加技藝教育社團的七八年級學生為研究對象,於107年四月發放119份問卷,回收後有效問卷為116份,有效率達97.40%。所得資料則以描述統計來進行統計分析。 主要研究結果如下: 一、新北市個案國中技藝教育社團學生在社團學習滿意度上同意程度高,顯示辦理技藝教育社團受到學生的肯定。 二、在學習滿意度的各個層面上,男生比女生同意程度高;八年級同意程度較七年級高;參與技藝教育社團時間以二學年同意程度較一學年高;在校內外上課及參與主要動機對學生的學習滿意同意程度皆不一致。 三、新北市個案國中技藝教育社團學生的生涯發展認知屬於「良好」程度。 四、新北市國中技藝教育社團學生的學習滿意度和生涯發展認知呈現正相關 根據前述研究結論,加上參與技藝教育社團學生之意見回饋,提出具體建議,供學校行政、社團指導老師、國中學生及未來研究之參考。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current implementations of students’ learning satisfaction and career development cognition of junior high school in technical arts club in New Taipei City and analyzed the differences of students’ learning satisfaction and career development cognition with diverse backgrounds. The study did the questionnaire survey. The questionnaire participants were students in 7th to 8th grade and they were the members in technical arts clubs in 105 academic year from a case junior high school in New Taipei City. A questionnaire was distributed to 119 potential respondent students in April 2018 and was collected 116 copies. The valid recovery ratio was 97.40%. This study analyze the data by descriptive statistics. The major findings in this study were: 1. Students who joined technical arts clubs in the case school were approved of participating club activities. 2. There were significant differences between gender. There were significant differences between different grades. There were significant differences between student attending club place in case school or collaborative school.There were significant differences between time length of participating in club. 3. The level of technical arts club students’ career development cognition in New Taipei City was good. 4. There was a significant positive correlation between learning satisfaction and career development cognition of the technical arts clubs students from a case junior high school in New Taipei City. Based on these research results and the feedback from students. The suggestions could be applied to the school adminisrtation, club instructors, and junior high school students, as well as inspired further studies.



新北市技藝教育社團, 學習滿意度, 生涯發展認知, Technical Arts Club, Learning Satisfaction, Career Development Cognition





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