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中文摘要 台灣電影使用部落格作為網路行銷的工具,是近年來台灣常見的現象。台灣電影片商藉由在部落格供應商上(Blog Service Provider, [BSP])設置官方部落格,跟觀眾以及潛在觀眾群間有了不同於傳統行銷的溝通模式。部落格行銷的興起,帶動了新型態的網路行銷;究竟部落格行銷適不適合台灣電影這項產品,兩者相結合時有什麼優缺點以及可能性,就是本研究想藉由研究台灣電影部落格的行銷操作中所得知的。 本研究以個案研究法探討2008年8月至9月中上映的三部電影的部落格,分別是《海角七號》、《囧男孩》以及《漂浪青春》。 藉由觀察三個電影部落格的內容,以及對電影行銷人員、個案電影部落格行銷人員、以及網路行銷人員進行訪談後得出結果。將訪談結果與行銷理論和次級資料輔助分析,得出台灣電影部落格目前的現況以及未來的可能性。從電影部落格內容的設置、相關活動的舉辦、以及日常管理等角度得出台灣電影使用部落格行銷的理由、優點、缺點、改進的空間以及未來的可能性有哪些。 研究結果發現,受歡迎的電影部落格的確對於電影本身宣傳訊息的散佈有幫助,但報導上往往高估了部落格行銷對於成功的電影票房的關聯性。電影票房的成功有諸多要素,宣傳的管道也不是只有部落格;電影的部落格人氣是否皆能有效的轉換成票房目前仍不得而知。但是對今日的台灣電影而言,建置部落格已成為網路行銷的重要考量之一。而對於部落格的內容設置,眾人都還在摸索、加強的階段,未來可能會出現改變。
Abstract Taiwanese film companies setting official movie blogs on Blog Service Provider (BSP) is a common phenomenon in Taiwan in recent years. They use blogs as a tool of e-marketing for Taiwanese movies. Using movie blog marketing is a way to interact with audience and potential audience, which is different from the traditional mode of movie marketing. To know the advantages and disadvantages of Taiwanese movies using blog marketing and the possible development in the future is the goal of this research. In this study, I did the case study of three movies blogs which are released in August to September in 2008, namely the “Cape No.7”, “Orz Boys” and “Drifting Flowers” movie blogs. First, observing of the content of three movie blogs then made the interview questions. Second, go to interview the people who are professional in film marketing, e-marketing field and the operators of cases movie blogs. Then analyzing the result through related theories and supplied with secondary data analysis. The study result shown that the related reports about successful movie blog marketing are often over-estimated for the relevance between movie box office and blog marketing. The success of box office has many elements, and the blog is not the only channel of promotion though high Popularity of movie blog is truly helpful for the film to spread the message of promotion. However, setting a movies blog has become one of the important considerations for e-marketing of Taiwanese movies nowadays in Taiwan. The content of movie blogs is still in the stage of improving and progressing, there may be changes in the future.



電影部落格, 部落格行銷, 電影行銷, 個案研究, movie blogs, case studies, film marketing, blog marketing





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