
dc.contributor.authorChen-Shen Fanen_US
dc.description.abstract本研究旨在探討活動本位教學策略應用於國中理財教育之教學成效。首先藉由文獻探討,先廣泛瞭解英、美、澳、日四國對於國中理財教育的基本觀點、課程內涵、規劃方式、教學單元設計以及實施情形;接著瞭解國中生理財素養是否因性別、學校區域環境、學生家庭社經地位之關係而有所差異,再探究活動本位教學策略應用於國中理財教學之模式;最後,則討論在本次實驗教學中,國中理財教育實施之成效與情形為何。 本研究是在兩所學校(位於不同地區)進行實驗教學,研究對象以九年級學生為主,在量化方面,以自編之「國中學生理財觀之現況調查問卷」為研究工具,於刪除無效及缺填問卷後,以256份問卷(A國中124份;B國中132份)進行獨立樣本單因子雙共變量(前測成績及學生社經背景)共變數分析,來探究學生在實驗教學前後之差異;在質性資料部分,乃於理財教育活動課程結束後,訪談參與本次實驗教學中,前後差異性最大的16位學生及4位協同研究教師,以瞭解他們對活動本位教學策略應用於國中理財教學之感受。 根據研究發現,歸納本研究結論如下: 一、國中生理財素養現況 以目前國中生理財素養現況而言,在訪談A、B國中教師後,兩所學校教師皆認為兩所國中之學生的理財素養普遍不足。而論及不同背景變項學生在理財素養上是否有顯著差異時,發現: (一)不同性別學生在整體理財素養上無顯著差異。 (二)不同學校學生在整體理財素養上有顯著差異。 (三)不同家庭社經背景學生在整體理財素養上無顯著差異。 二、活動本位教學策略應用於國中理財教學之成效 (一)相較於一般傳統講述教學法,活動本位教學策略較能提升學生之學習動機及學習成效。 (二)透過活動本位教學策略帶入重要的理財概念,讓同學們由體驗中學習,更能強化其學習到之知識。 (三)活動本位教學策略適度地運用競爭模式,培養學生團隊合作的能力,並促進活動參與。 (四)活動本位教學策略有助於增強教師對教學技巧靈活運用,同時亦提供教師另一個評量學生的方式。 三、綜合量化資料及質性訪談之討論結果後,可發現教師與大多數實驗組學生 對理財教育活動課程的回應皆為正向。zh_TW
dc.description.abstractThe aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of activity-based instructions on the financial education in the junior high schools. First, the study explored the basic perspectives, the curriculum contents and planning, the lesson plans and the implement on the financial education in junior high schools in England, the US, Australia, and Japan by reviewing the literature. Second, the study examined the relationships between the students’ financial literacy and their genders, schools, and the parental socio-economic status, and then inquired the model of activity-based instructions on the financial teaching in the junior high schools. Finally, the effectiveness of implementing the financial education in the junior high schools was discussed. The experimental curriculums were carried out in two schools at different regions. 256 9th grade students responded to “Junior High School Students’ Perceptions of Managing Finances Questionnaire.” In the quantitative design, One-way ANCOVA was adopted to show the differences between before and after the experimental curriculums. After completing the curriculums, 16 students and 4 teachers participated in interviews. The data collected from questionnaires and interviews were analyzed quantitatively and qualitatively. Results are generalized as follows: 1. The status of the junior high school students on financial literacy The teacher interviewees in both schools all think that the students lacked of financial literacy. Furthermore, the relationships between students’ demographic variables and their financial literacy are as follows. (1)There was no statistically significant difference between males and females. (2)Statistically significant differences existed between two schools.(3)No statistically significant difference among different socio-economic statuses was shown. 2. The effectiveness of activity-based instructions on the financial teaching in the junior high schools (1)The activity-based instruction promoted students’ learning motivations and effectiveness. (2)Students learned and enriched their important financial knowledge by experiencing. (3)The activity-based instruction developed students’ cooperative abilities and improved the involvement in the learning process. (4)The activity-based instruction helped teachers use the teaching skills well and adequately. Moreover, it provided another way to evaluate students’ performances. 3. The teachers and most students in the experimental group gave positive feedback to the experimental curriculums.en_US
dc.subjectfinancial literacyen_US
dc.subjectfinancial educationen_US
dc.subjectactivity-based instructionsen_US
dc.titleA study of Activity-Based instructions on the financial teaching in the junior high schoolsen_US

