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本文以日本文部科學省(簡稱文部省)的網站及教育統計資料、財團法人教育研究機構、學者發表等文獻,探討日本當前的高等學校職業教育,企圖了解日本高等學校自平成天皇即位(1989)至今職業教育在學習指導要領的調整和政策配套,進而探討其成效。經文獻分析結果,發現日本普通學科教育政策,著重持續強化建構學生學習能力,也重視落實生涯教育1。專門學科著重提升學生的職場基礎能力、及實務技術能力和解決畢業生失業問題。綜合學科的主要課題為偏重職業教育的綜合高中因為課程無法聚焦,不利升學或就業呈現趨於停滯的狀態。整體而言,本文針對日本高等學校現況,對我國教育政策提出以下四點建議。 一、重視高中、高職、綜合高中學生生涯發展之學習活動與機會。 二、日本教育部門面對專門學科畢業生失業問題,重視提升職業基礎能力,而公共職訓單位積極辦理短期職業訓練,值得我國職業教育與訓練參考。 三、日本推動建教合作的做法,可供為我國高職教育政策的參考。 四、參照日本經驗規劃高等學校畢業生如何與高等教育進行銜接課題。
This paper studied the change and topics of senior vocational education in Japan, based on the statistics from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The study covered the career education in high schools and senior vocational schools and comprehensive schools. By examining its curriculum guild outlines and education policy, this study furthered in analyzing and evaluating the education performance in Japan. For example, building up long term learning performance and carrying out career education topics are urgent tasks. The Japanese vocational education reinforces basic working capabilities and executive capabilities when faced with unemployment issues. And the stagnating development in Japanese comprehensive high school is also similar to Taiwan. This paper based on the post secondary education system and society to discuss the senior vocational education differences of the post secondary education in Japan and Taiwan, point out the followed suggestions. 1.To help post secondary students set up their career development and future possibilities. 2. In able to deduce unemployment rate faced by vocational high school graduates, not only is the Ministry of Education to enforce the basic technical competences, but the public job training bureau also offer training courses for those students in Japan. 3. The strategies of cooperation educations in Japanese can provide some insight for the policy of vocational education in Taiwan. 4. To study Japanese three departments of high school students graduates from school how to connect with academy education.
This paper studied the change and topics of senior vocational education in Japan, based on the statistics from the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The study covered the career education in high schools and senior vocational schools and comprehensive schools. By examining its curriculum guild outlines and education policy, this study furthered in analyzing and evaluating the education performance in Japan. For example, building up long term learning performance and carrying out career education topics are urgent tasks. The Japanese vocational education reinforces basic working capabilities and executive capabilities when faced with unemployment issues. And the stagnating development in Japanese comprehensive high school is also similar to Taiwan. This paper based on the post secondary education system and society to discuss the senior vocational education differences of the post secondary education in Japan and Taiwan, point out the followed suggestions. 1.To help post secondary students set up their career development and future possibilities. 2. In able to deduce unemployment rate faced by vocational high school graduates, not only is the Ministry of Education to enforce the basic technical competences, but the public job training bureau also offer training courses for those students in Japan. 3. The strategies of cooperation educations in Japanese can provide some insight for the policy of vocational education in Taiwan. 4. To study Japanese three departments of high school students graduates from school how to connect with academy education.