由於電腦科技及網路通訊技術的發達,擴增實境(augmented reality)的應用日趨多元及普及化,然其使用上仍有諸多限制,尚無法完全符合人性化之使用介面,例如定位辨識用的圖案即違背使用者的視覺經驗。有鑑於此,本研究導入紅外線數位浮水印之方法於擴真實境介面,藉由實驗求取出最符合「人眼視覺」以及「機器讀取」此兩種不同閱讀介面的最佳平衡效果。目前的擴增實境介面通常為一平面印刷品與電腦動畫之互動連結,本研究運用紅外線數位浮水印技術,在製作紙本時並不需要採用特殊材料即可製作出隱藏之定位辨識圖案效果。運用本研究之擴增實境介面製作技術,可推廣運用至各式紙本印刷品及其應用之擴增實境環境上,也可使一般視覺讀取的紙本圖書附加電腦辨識及顯示功能並呈現立體物件及動畫效果,將平面印刷品做加值並應用及推廣使用於其他平台之上。
The application of augmented reality(AR) has been more and more diverse and universal, due to the fast development of computer HscienceH& HtechnologyH and internet communication HtechnologyH. However, it still has some limits in use, and can’t be used to achieve interface of humanity. For example, the marker for recognizing and orientating disobey our visual experience. Therefore, this research proposes a method by using infrared watermark. In this study, we try to find out what are the best results of two different reading interfaces between “human eye” and “computer capture” through experimental research. Nowadays, the AR interface usually works as an interactive connection between printing and computer animation. By using the infrared watermark technique, it requires no any special material when making the marker, but it can still retain the invisible marker. The research proposes a making-HtechnologyH of AR interface, and it could be used to promote and apply to any paper printing and environment of augmented reality. By using this method, the paper book for human reading can also be recognized by computer and augment the 3-D object and motion pictures for display. And these will push printing application to other platform.
The application of augmented reality(AR) has been more and more diverse and universal, due to the fast development of computer HscienceH& HtechnologyH and internet communication HtechnologyH. However, it still has some limits in use, and can’t be used to achieve interface of humanity. For example, the marker for recognizing and orientating disobey our visual experience. Therefore, this research proposes a method by using infrared watermark. In this study, we try to find out what are the best results of two different reading interfaces between “human eye” and “computer capture” through experimental research. Nowadays, the AR interface usually works as an interactive connection between printing and computer animation. By using the infrared watermark technique, it requires no any special material when making the marker, but it can still retain the invisible marker. The research proposes a making-HtechnologyH of AR interface, and it could be used to promote and apply to any paper printing and environment of augmented reality. By using this method, the paper book for human reading can also be recognized by computer and augment the 3-D object and motion pictures for display. And these will push printing application to other platform.
擴增實境, 紅外線浮水印, 數位半色調, Augmented Reality, Infrared Watermarking, digital halftoning