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本研究以慈林教育基金會資料庫的「臺灣社會運動史料中心」中的剪報與雜誌之典藏為主要研究素材,探討臺灣婦女運動與女權提倡的相關議題。本研究認為既有研究多以呂秀蓮提倡的新女性主義運動為臺灣第一波婦運,而忽略了臺灣社會在一九五○至六○年代已進入女權意識的萌芽時期。據此,本文希冀能補捉一九五○、六○年代,臺灣婦女意識的萌芽發展史,建立起更為完整的歷史全貌。 研究主要發現歸納為以下三點: 一、從資料中顯現,在一九七○年代以前,自由派男性知識份子的報章雜誌文章已帶有女權的觀念。加上當時數位外省女作家在報章雜誌專欄所撰寫的文章,帶動了當時社會對性別議題的認識,而埋下女權意識開展的種子。據此,一九七○年代早期,由呂秀蓮提出的「新女性主義」,是否為臺灣婦女運動之濫觴,已開始被當代學者修正和質疑。不過,這些專欄寫作侷限於個人表達,缺乏社會改革的企圖。 二、七○年代在呂秀蓮的倡議下,開始出現女性主義系統性的論述,並意圖推動政治與社會的雙重改革。 三、解嚴後大量婦團的成立與發展,以及婦女議題的多元化與專業化化,帶動了婦運與女權提倡的新高潮。
Based on the digital archive of Ci-Lin foundation, this study attempts to explore women’s movement in Taiwan. The digital archive is established by the foundation’s “Center for the Historical Archive of Social Movements in Taiwan.” Previous studies tended to focus on Annette Lu’s New Women Movement in the 1970s as the first wave of women’s movement in Taiwan, and thus they ignored the phenomenon that in the 1950s and 1960s, women’s consciousness had already burgeoned. Therefore, this study hopes to catch the moment of development of women’s consciousness in the 1950s and 1960s, in order to establish a more comprehensive historical picture. This research has the following three findings: 1. From the digital data, we can find before the 1970s, liberal male intellectuals have already expressed ideas of women’s rights in the articles published by newspapers and magazines. Meanwhile, some female mainlander writers, who were freelance column writers, wrote about women’s issues and aroused the interests of the general public in these issues. The seeds of women’s consciousness were thereby planted. Because of this, whether or not the “New Feminism” as advocated by Annette Lu is the beginning of Taiwan’s women’s movement has become an issued questioned by contemporary scholars. However, these column writings written by female mainlanders were expressions of personal opinions, lacking in the ambition to social reforms. 2. In the 1970s, through the advocating activities of Annette Lu, there began to appear systematic discourse of feminism, with the intention for both political and social reforms. 3. After the lifting of the martial laws, women’s organizations proliferated, and the issues they advocated were diverse and professionalized. This has led to another high tide of women’s movements in Taiwan.



婦女運動, 社會運動, 性別, 女權, 慈林數位資料庫, Women’s movement, social movement, gender, women’s rights, he digital archive of Ci-lin foundation





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