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鋁合金(5052)與銅合金(C2800)在工業上用途極廣,具有質量輕且導電性、導熱性良好的優點,是具應用潛能之合金材料,透過製程的加工處理,將可改變鋁、銅合金表面結構與元素組成比例,產生親或疏水性表面(Hydrophobic/Hydrophilic surface),達到提升疏水性(自潔)或親水性(提升附著力)之目的及應用。在製程方面,本研究提出兩種製程方法,分別為超快雷射(Ultrafast laser)以及轉印(Imprint)製程,以此兩種製程方法,分別於鋁、銅合金表面,製備出具功能機制之微米級陣列溝槽結構,並以雷射共軛焦顯微鏡(Confocal laser scanning microscope, CLSM)及熱場發掃描式電子顯微鏡(Thermal field emission scanning electron microscope, FE-SEM)檢驗結構寬度、深度是否有達到設計的尺度需求,以及是否具有完整性與一致性。待鋁、銅合金檢驗完成後,將試片進行紀錄 1至30天的接觸角變化研究,以探討時間、間距和製程等實驗變因,對於相異合金材質(鋁及銅合金)之接觸角影響性。同時,本研究透過能量色散X射線譜(Energy-Dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, EDS)與X射線光電子能譜(X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS)進行材料分析,探討氧(Oxygen)與碳(Carbon)之比值的變化與液珠接觸角變化的關聯性,進而了解上述各項變因的影響性,以有助於將來在各種親或疏水化材料產品於生醫及能源之應用。
Aluminum alloy (aluminum 5052) and copper alloy (brass C2800) can be used for a wide range of industrial applications, such as light weight, good electrical conductivity and good thermal conductivity. Through the process and microarray structures, the surface characteristic of the aluminum 5052 and brass C2800 can be modified to achieve hydrophobic (self-cleaning) or hydrophilic (increase in heat-dissipation capability) purposes and applications. In terms of process, this study proposes two process methods, namely ultrafast laser and imprint process, which are used to fabricate a functional mechanism on the surface of aluminum 5052 and brass C2800 with the microarray trench structures. And then, the width and depth of structures can be measured by the confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM) and thermal field emission scanning electron microscope (FE-SEM), which can be affected on the wetting mechanism of structure surfaces. To investigate the influence of time, spacing and process on the structure surfaces of aluminum 5052 and brass C2800, the change of the wetting on the them during the period of 1 to 30 days can be investigated. At the same time, this study material properties in the ratio of oxygen to carbon for the relationship between contact angle and substrate surface were investigated by measuring the energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), so as to understand the influence of the experimental variables. Furthermore, this study can be useful to hydrophobic and hydrophilic products with the various materials in biomedicine and energy in the future.



疏水性, 親水性, 超快雷射, 轉印, 鋁合金, 銅合金, Hydrophobic, Hydrophilic, Ultrafast laser, Imprint process, Aluminum alloy, Copper alloy





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